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Walking the Streets of Moscow (1964)

05/02/1966 (US) ComedyRomance 1h 18m
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On a stopover in Moscow, a young writer Volodya makes friends with Kolya, who is returning home from a hard night shift. Just as Kolya is about to take a rest, he is met by his old friend Sasha, who wants help getting a deferral from military service so that he can get married.

  1. Georgiy Daneliya


  2. Gennady Shpalikov


Top Billed Cast

  1. Nikita Mikhalkov

    Nikita Mikhalkov


  2. Aleksei Loktev

    Aleksei Loktev

    Volodya Yermakov

  3. Galina Polskikh

    Galina Polskikh


  4. Evgeniy Steblov

    Evgeniy Steblov

    Sasha Shatalov

  5. Rolan Bykov

    Rolan Bykov

    Man in Park

  6. Vladimir Basov

    Vladimir Basov

    Floor Polisher

  7. Mariya Vinogradova

    Mariya Vinogradova

    Boxer Dog Handler

  8. Irina Miroshnichenko

    Irina Miroshnichenko

    Katya, Kolya's Sister

  9. Lyubov Sokolova

    Lyubov Sokolova

    Kolya's mother

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Walking the Streets of Moscow
Walking the Streets of Moscow

Original Title Я шагаю по Москве

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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