Against The Jab (2014)

04/11/2014 (US) ComedyDrama 1h 30m
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DJ Mike Makes fun of people's life with prank phone calls on his radio show but, how far is too far?


Radio Personality, Michael Washington, known as "DJ Mike" makes fun of people's lives with prank phone calls on his radio show, JAB STAB. His jokes make his show #1 of all morning talk show in the state. However, behind the scenes of the radio show, many unpredictable events develop in Mike's personal life. It leads to an adventure that brings him to the brink of disaster, fighting for his own survival. Will he persevere?

  1. Patrick Jerome

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Clara Lago

    Clara Lago


  2. Scott Neufville


  3. Lonette McKee

    Lonette McKee

    Dj Mike's mother

  4. Wittly Jourdan


  5. Jenna Kim


  6. Patrick Jerome

    Detective Paul

  7. Frank Czarnowski

    Detective Steeve

  8. Karm Syndia


  9. Heidi Rhodes

    Andrea Boisvert

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

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