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Adam's Testament (2017)

NR 04/08/2017 (US) Drama 1h 53m
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Adam a young musician had the perfect life until one day everything changed. His father, detective Joseph Gable continues on a relentless path to save Adam's soul as angels and demons are disguised as humans. This ancient spiritual war between good and evil will test their faith as a dark stranger descends on modern day Toronto.

  1. Rafael Kalamat

    Director, Writer

  2. Jason Barbeck

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Philip Moran

    Philip Moran

    Joseph Gable

  2. Luke Bilyk

    Luke Bilyk

    Adam Gable

  3. Nick Mancuso

    Nick Mancuso

    The Stranger

  4. Frank Chiesurin

    Frank Chiesurin

    Archangel Michael

  5. Zoé De Grand Maison

    Zoé De Grand Maison


  6. Kate Drummond

    Kate Drummond

    Katherine Gable

  7. Sydney Van Delft

    Sydney Van Delft


  8. Chantal Craig

    Chantal Craig

    Katia's Mother

  9. Lazar Rockwood

    Lazar Rockwood

    Hotel Bartender

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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