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Fly Me to Polaris (1999)

12 08/21/1999 (HK) DramaFantasyRomance 1h 36m
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A young man, blind and dumb, works as an audio tape typist in a hospital and fostering a tender and sincere relationship with a beautiful but introverted nurse. When hit by a car, he is the sixty billionth human being to die on earth, and is on transit to Polaris, en route to a yet more sophisticated form of existence in Vega. Given a reprieve of five days and a chance to be reunited with his love on earth, he cannot reveal his true identity behind the temporary facade he must present to her. Both boy and girl eventually learn, through a tangle of difficult and miraculous events, how love and good things always find ways of creeping into people's lives when people are not greedy and least expect these blessings.

  1. Jingle Ma Choh-Sing


  2. Lo Chi-Leung


  3. Yeung Sin-Ling


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Fly Me to Polaris
Fly Me to Polaris

Original Title 星願

Status Released

Original Language Cantonese

Budget -

Revenue $2,189,278.00


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