Rough and Ready (1927)

NR 1927/01/09 (US) 서부 50m
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Ned Raleigh, a cowboy on the Stone Ranch, is laughed at by his pal Rawhide Barton for emulating his chivalrous namesake, Sir Walter Raleigh. Manning, an eastern capitalist, agrees to make Stone a loan to pay off his mortgage if he surrenders 200 head of cattle as security; Manning, after he discovers oil on the property, conspires with Blake, Stone's foreman, to hide the stock, and thus secure the land for himself.

  1. Albert S. Rogell


  2. Gardner Bradford


  3. William Berke


주요 출연진

  1. Jack Hoxie

    Jack Hoxie

    Ned Raleigh

  2. Ena Gregory

    Ena Gregory

    Beth Stone

  3. Jack Pratt

    Jack Pratt

    'Parson' Smith

  4. William Steele

    William Steele

    Morris Manning (as William A. Steele)

  5. Monte Montague

    Monte Montague

    'Rawhide' Barton

  6. Clark Comstock

    John Stone

  7. Marin Sais

    Marin Sais

    Martha Bowman

  8. Bert De Marc

    Bill Blake

총 출연진 & 제작진

Rough and Ready
Rough and Ready

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