Discuție The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Item: The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: This is a TV Movie, but the genre has not been applied due to the 3-genre limit in allowed in editing. Since Werewolf By Night, the most comparable case, has been given 4 genres including "TV Movie", please do the same here.

Additionally, at over 45 minutes, this is not a short film by most standards (I could not find TMDb's short film criteria, but for example, both Letterboxd and the AMPAS define short films as under 40 minutes). It's therefore eligible to join its direct predecessors and sequel in the Guardians of the Galaxy collection. Please include it accordingly.

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Hi, you are unlucky that this report is read by one of the mods that hate the TV Movie genre. Why hate? Because it's not a proper genre. It's just a way to describe that the first release was on TV, something that for many years is easily marked with a release date designation.

Werewolf By Night illustrate the bad quality data that exists for the TV Movie genre (I just removed it there). In this case it wasn't even released on TV first! It can't be right to add the TV Movie genre for all the thousands of digital first releases in the database.

A common definition for short films are movies under 49 minutes or under, or rather that feature films are 50 minutes or longer. Additionally, the Holiday Special is not a proper sequel as there should be story going from movie one through the last in a series OR it should be properly marketed as a sequel (usually with numbers). Thanks.

Nu găsiți un film sau un serial? Autentificați-vă pentru a-l crea.


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