Diskutuoti apie Pi gyvenimas

Please share your top ten films of 2012. One of my least favourite recent years - I love my top two and like the rest, but most of them would not make my top ten in a stronger year. As always, I have plenty of films to see and am hoping for some recommendations on here.

  1. Life of Pi (Ang Lee)
  2. Amour (Michael Haneke)
  3. In the House (Francois Ozon)
  4. Lincoln (Steven Spielberg)
  5. The Imposter (Bart Layton)
  6. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson)
  7. The Hunt (Thomas Vinterberg)
  8. Skyfall (Sam Mendes)
  9. Argo (Ben Affleck)
  10. Stuck in Love (Josh Boone)

2011 top ten

2013 top ten

2 atsakė (on page 1 iš 1)

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  1. Django Unchained
  2. The Raid
  3. The Hunt
  4. The Dark Knight Rises
  5. The Master
  6. Looper
  7. Lincoln
  8. Chronicle
  9. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  10. Les Miserables

In no particular order:


The Intouchables

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The Secret World of Arrietty

A Royal Affair


Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale

Honorable mentions:

Monsieur Lazhar

Let the Bullets Fly

Negalite rasti filmo ar TV laidos? Prisijunkite, kad sukurtumėte.


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