Randy Weaver

Personal Info

Known For Acting

Known Credits 5

Gender Male

Birthday January 3, 1948

Day of Death May 11, 2022 (74 years old)

Place of Birth Villisca, Iowa, USA

Also Known As

  • Randall Weaver

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Randall Claude Weaver was an American survivalist and self-proclaimed white separatist. He was a central actor in the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff with federal agents at his cabin near Naples, Idaho, during which his wife and son were killed. Weaver was charged with murder, conspiracy, and assault as well as other crimes. He was acquitted of most of the charges, but was convicted of failing to appear in court on a previous weapons charge and sentenced to 18 months in prison. His family eventually received a total of $3,100,000 in compensation for the killing of his wife and son by federal agents.

Randall Claude Weaver was an American survivalist and self-proclaimed white separatist. He was a central actor in the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff with federal agents at his cabin near Naples, Idaho, during which his wife and son were killed. Weaver was charged with murder, conspiracy, and assault as well as other crimes. He was acquitted of most of the charges, but was convicted of failing to appear in court on a previous weapons charge and sentenced to 18 months in prison. His family eventually received a total of $3,100,000 in compensation for the killing of his wife and son by federal agents.



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