St. Vincent (2014)

Written by Kamurai on February 24, 2021

Great watch, would watch again, and do recommend.

Any movie that gets me to well up with tears is an automatic winner in my book.

I always wanted to see Bill Murray play a grumpy old man, and this movie is a little more "About a Boy" than "Up!", but it's a good middle ground between the two.

There is something wholesome, even when it's specifically not, about a kid being taught life lessons by someone. It's something special that I feel like I haven't see enough of, and I'd love to do myself.

It's also interesting to see a coming of age story that doesn't revolve around the character coming of age and a romance. It is possible to grow up without focusing on sex, it's like a reverse Bechdel test.

This is completely worth the watch, and the movie does a great job of embodying it's own message of being rough on the outside with goodness on the inside.