Petite maman (2021)

Written by beyondthecineramadome on June 20, 2022

Full review:

Despite what the name implies, Petite Maman feels just as grand. The story focuses on Nelly (Joséphine Sanz), an eight-year-old who has just lost her grandmother (Margot Abascal). Nelly is our entry point to the story, so we don’t always know what’s going on around her. Her grandmother seems to have passed due to a condition she’s had for most of her life, but it’s not something Nelly has a name for. Along with her mother (Nina Meurisse) and father (Stéphane Varupenne), Nelly goes to her grandmother’s home to pack up what remains of her belongings. They all spend one night in the house, but then Nelly’s mother leaves suddenly while Nelly and her father remain to finish the job. Why Nelly’s mother leaves is never fully explained, but Nelly can tell that her mother has been sad for a long time and that her leaving has something to do with that.