Supporto The Movie Database

Item: Harry Potter Collection

Language: es

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: This collection has some validation errors and needs to be fixed before you can make any edits. The validation failed because:

Overview isn't long enough Overview isn't long enough

In what language is this problem?

I need to edit the Spanish title to: Harry Potter - La Colección

3 risposte (nella pagina 1 di 1)

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Apparently there is more then just one overview not long enough. I am not sure how to fix that. We need to wait that Travis might have a look innto that.

Is there any progress? I found same error and link to nowhere:

For more information about how to fix this, please visit this page.

I fixed the issue by checking all the languages 1 by 1.

Chinese (zh) description was too short and I removed it. Now the collection can be edited again.

KR, David.

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