The Movie Database Support


I'm struggling a bit with the tv-list support.

1) It seems that tv-series can be added to the watchlist but not seasons or episodes. Do you plan to add this at some point? Usecase: I've seen all seasons of "game of thrones" except the last one, that's why I want to add the last season to my watchlist.

2) At the moment it does not seem to be possible to add any tv element to a list. Neither via website nor via api. It would be great if at least the api would allow for it, similar how we can modify the watchlist using /account/{id}/watchlist

Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,

Do you plan to add this at some point? Usecase: I've seen all seasons of "game of thrones" except the last one, that's why I want to add the last season to my watch list.

Yes, probably. It's an interesting problem to make the interface and system work the way you expect while still being easy to use. Definitely something to think about but is realistically low-ish on my priority list. I have created a ticket for this here.

At the moment it does not seem to be possible to add any tv element to a list

This is definitely planned, in the near future—not distant. Ticket for this is here.

As a temporary fix, can we get the currently available episodes for a tv show included in the Watchlist export?

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