Поддержка The Movie Database

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to get an iterable of all valid movie ids? I know that documentation says I can request using the url: 'https://files.tmdb.org/p/exports/movie_ids_date.json.gz' or something like it but my permission is denied. Is there any up-to-date way of doing this?

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@masonrware said:
Get List of All Valid Movie Ids
Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to get an iterable of all valid movie ids?
I know that documentation says I can request using the url:
or something like it
but my permission is denied. Is there any up-to-date way of doing this?

As far as I know permission is not denied to anyone.
I assume you read the instructions on how to download this file.
You are probably using an invalid or wrong URL.
Can you post the URL you used here?
If that's exactly what you pasted in your comment then it's certainly wrong.


It has no date. Must contain date in this format: MM_DD_YYYY .
The latest available today is


Prior to that date, I believe up to 3 or 4 months earlier.

Thanks, I knew about the date, it was just a placeholder.

How would I limit my results to movies in english?

@masonrware said:
Thanks, I knew about the date, it was just a placeholder.
How would I limit my results to movies in english?

Do you still have the denial problem?
Or did you manage to download the file?
If so, can you tell us what the problem was?
How was your URL to access the file?
Please Copy and Paste the response you were getting from our server.

The problem was trivial - I removed the gzip extension from the url assuming it would just return serialized JSON. Obviously, this was my mistake. My question is still this: how can I limit my search results to english movies?

Moreover, does this data base contain any textual reviews, or is it just the attributes that I received (i.e. adult, id, original_title, popularity, and video). If it does, how would I make an api call for all of those reviews in english/make a call for one?

@masonrware said:
Moreover, does this data base contain any textual reviews, or is it just the attributes that I received (i.e. adult, id, original_title, popularity, and video).

This file is a daily export of valid IDs that exist in the Database.
And it is generated only with these data, these attributes.

If it does, how would I make an api call for all of those reviews in english/make a call for one?

I don't know of an API Request to get all this data at once.
So also not only in English.

What is possible, but perhaps a lot of work, is to make successive Discover API Requests.
Using the filters: &with_original_language= en-US and &primary_release_date.gte= and &primary_release_date.lte=

https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?api_key=THE_KEY&language=en-US&sort_by=primary_release_date.desc&page=1&primary_release_date.gte=2020-01-01&primary_release_date.lte=2021-01-31&with_original_language= en-US

This way doesn't work anymore!

I tried https://files.tmdb.org/p/exports/movie_ids_05_15_2024.json.gz but it doesn't work.

Any suggestion?

Files are not eternal. We are September 20 and you are trying to get data from May 15, more than 4 months ago.

I believe the time limit is 90 days.
So for today it should be possible 06/20/2024.

I don't think that's the case here, as I got all movies and tv shows with the 2 weeks ago date. But let's say I want IDs of all Movies or TV Shows that are procued by the company called VivaMax (https://www.themoviedb.org/company/149142)

What for of url am I supposed to use for that?

Thanks for your reply though. Appreciate it.

@Ask4Movie.app said:
I don't think that's the case here, as I got all movies and tv shows with the 2 weeks ago date.
But let's say I want IDs of all Movies or TV Shows that are procued by the company called VivaMax (https://www.themoviedb.org/company/149142)
What for of url am I supposed to use for that?
Thanks for your reply though. Appreciate it.

See here.
For Movies: https://developer.themoviedb.org/reference/discover-movie
For TV: https://developer.themoviedb.org/reference/discover-tv


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