The Movie Database atbalsts


Just a quick look into currently available movies revealed that there seems to be quite some movie trailers missing. For example for Chase (2022) and The Ledge (2022). Of course, theoretically I could first lookup the TMDB for a trailer and in case nothing is found I can make a broad movie search within the YouTube API. However, I would prefer to only use the TMDB. What would be an easy way to continuosly report and/or add missing movie trailers?

Best Simon

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@simonferndriger said:


Just a quick look into currently available movies revealed that there seems to be quite some movie trailers missing. For example for Chase (2022) and The Ledge (2022). Of course, theoretically I could first lookup the TMDB for a trailer and in case nothing is found I can make a broad movie search within the YouTube API. However, I would prefer to only use the TMDB. What would be an easy way to continuosly report and/or add missing movie trailers?

You can add it yourself on the movie page.

Add a Trailer to a Movie

Trailer in the language you are working on.
Perhaps this operation cannot be done using a mobile.

On a movie's homepage, in the top menu, click "Media" and "Videos".

1 If the movie does not have any "Videos":
Click "+ Add a Video".
Go to the Videos page.
If you have the Video URL click on the new "+ Add a Video".
A new window will open.
Choose the video specifications and paste the URL, the Source Key, of the video.

If you don't have the Video URL click on "Search YouTube",
Find and copy the URL of the video you want to add.
Follow the procedure explained above by clicking on the new "+ Add a Video".

2 If the movie already has a "Videos".
The movie's "Videos" page will open.
In the left side menu, click on the " heavy_plus_sign " sign inside a circle (next to the word Videos)
A new window will open.
Choose the video specifications and paste the URL, the Source Key, of the video.

Thank you. Why does TMDB not use the YouTube API to automatically get the latest trailer in all languages? They could be manually checked afterwards...

@simonferndriger said:
Thank you.
Why does TMDB not use the YouTube API to automatically get the latest trailer in all languages?
They could be manually checked afterwards...

I do not know how to answer.

@ticao2 said:

@simonferndriger said:


Just a quick look into currently available movies revealed that there seems to be quite some movie trailers missing. For example for Chase (2022) and The Ledge (2022). Of course, theoretically I could first lookup the TMDB for a trailer and in case nothing is found I can make a broad movie search within the YouTube API. However, I would prefer to only use the TMDB. What would be an easy way to continuosly report and/or add missing movie trailers?

You can add it yourself on the movie page.

Add a Trailer to a Movie

Trailer in the language you are working on.
Perhaps this operation cannot be done using a mobile.

On a movie's homepage, in the top menu, click "Media" and "Videos".

1 If the movie does not have any "Videos":
Click "+ Add a Video".
Go to the Videos page.
If you have the Video URL click on the new "+ Add a Video".
A new window will open.
Choose the video specifications and paste the URL, the Source Key, of the video.

If you don't have the Video URL click on "Search YouTube",
Find and copy the URL of the video you want to add.
Follow the procedure explained above by clicking on the new "+ Add a Video".

2 If the movie already has a "Videos".
The movie's "Videos" page will open.
In the left side menu, click on the " heavy_plus_sign " sign inside a circle (next to the word Videos)
A new window will open.
Choose the video specifications and paste the URL, the Source Key, of the video.

@aakashv said:

@ticao2 said:

@simonferndriger said:


Just a quick look into currently available movies revealed that there seems to be quite some movie trailers missing. For example for Chase (2022) and The Ledge (2022). Of course, theoretically I could first lookup the TMDB for a trailer and in case nothing is found I can make a broad movie search within the YouTube API. However, I would prefer to only use the TMDB. What would be an easy way to continuosly report and/or add missing movie trailers?

You can add it yourself on the movie page.

Add a Trailer to a Movie

Trailer in the language you are working on.
Perhaps this operation cannot be done using a mobile.

On a movie's homepage, in the top menu, click "Media" and "Videos".

1 If the movie does not have any "Videos":
Click "+ Add a Video".
Go to the Videos page.
If you have the Video URL click on the new "+ Add a Video".
A new window will open.
Choose the video specifications and paste the URL, the Source Key, of the video.

If you don't have the Video URL click on "Search YouTube",
Find and copy the URL of the video you want to add.
Follow the procedure explained above by clicking on the new "+ Add a Video".

2 If the movie already has a "Videos".
The movie's "Videos" page will open.
In the left side menu, click on the " heavy_plus_sign " sign inside a circle (next to the word Videos)
A new window will open.
Choose the video specifications and paste the URL, the Source Key, of the video.


I've been trying to add clips and featurettes to pages I have made. Every time I paste the YouTube link in, it doesn't work, and just comes up with an error.

I have followed the steps on how to upload a clip, do I need to something differently?

@jackbryantfilms said:


I've been trying to add clips and featurettes to pages I have made. Every time I paste the YouTube link in, it doesn't work, and just comes up with an error.

I have followed the steps on how to upload a clip, do I need to something differently?

What stack are you using? Usually you would use an iframe where the Youtube video will render.

@jackbryantfilms said:
I've been trying to add clips and featurettes to pages I have made.
Every time I paste the YouTube link in, it doesn't work, and just comes up with an error.
I have followed the steps on how to upload a clip, do I need to something differently?

Give us an example.

  1. The link to the movie here on TMDb.
  2. The link to the video on YouTube
  3. What kind of video is this? (Trailer, Featurette, etc...)

Are you using a PC or a Mobile?

@ticao2 said:

@jackbryantfilms said:
I've been trying to add clips and featurettes to pages I have made.
Every time I paste the YouTube link in, it doesn't work, and just comes up with an error.
I have followed the steps on how to upload a clip, do I need to something differently?

Give us an example.

  1. The link to the movie here on TMDb.
  2. The link to the video on YouTube
  3. What kind of video is this? (Trailer, Featurette, etc...)

Are you using a PC or a Mobile?

I'm using PC

@jackbryantfilms said:

I'm using PC

Give us an example.

  1. The link to the movie here on TMDb.
  2. The link to the video on YouTube
  3. What kind of video is this? (Trailer, Featurette, etc...)

Vai nevarat atrast filmu vai TV pārraidi? Piesakieties, lai to izveidotu.


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