Jaksot 10


Dollar Store

1 lokakuu 202151m

Fleeing in the night with Maddy, Alex seeks help from social services and lands a job with Value Maids, only to find her problems are just beginning.

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1 lokakuu 202153m

After a long night on the floor of a ferry terminal with Maddy, Alex finds shelter, but custody issues and an unhappy client push her to the edge.

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Sea Glass

1 lokakuu 202148m

While navigating the complex government assistance system, Alex wrangles with Sean over Maddy's care and tackles a cleaning job that nearly breaks her.

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1 lokakuu 202149m

Cleaning Regina's gorgeous house on Thanksgiving, Alex imagines what it would be like to live in such luxury before taking the fantasy a step further.

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1 lokakuu 20211h

A job cleaning out the childhood home of a notorious local thief triggers memories for Alex, who also discovers what's causing Maddy's worrying cough.

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1 lokakuu 202158m

Determined to send Maddy to a better preschool, Alex desperately searches for a new place to live, a process complicated by her government benefits.

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String Cheese

1 lokakuu 202154m

Alex writes about her clients, including a couple living separate lives, as she juggles her tricky housing situation and Paula's fragile mental state.

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Bear Hunt

1 lokakuu 20211h

Amid a crushing series of setbacks, Alex explores the possibility of college while dealing with Paula's health crisis and offering Regina a helping hand.

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Sky Blue

1 lokakuu 20211h 1m

Back at square one, Alex reaches out for a safe harbor and legal lifeline, realizing how much of herself she's lost along the way.

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Season Finale
1 lokakuu 202155m

Gaining strength and support from a creative writing therapy group, Alex fights for her future by facing off with Sean over custody of Maddy.

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