Weakest Link (2020)

TV-PG Gerçeklik
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After Anne Robinson hosted the original 3 seasons, Jane Lynch now hosts as eight contestants work as a team to bank the maximum amount of prize money across multiple rounds by answering rapid-fire trivia questions, with each successive correct answer increasing the amount of potential winnings, and each incorrect answer breaking the chain and forcing the contestants to start over with the lowest amount of money. At the end of each round, players vote for the person whom they consider to be the weakest link, and the contestant with the most votes leaves the game as Jane delivers the famous catchphrase: "You are the weakest link. Goodbye." Adaptation of the hit British series.

Dizi Oyuncuları

  1. Jane Lynch as Self - Host

    Jane Lynch

    Self - Host

    46 Bölüm

  2. Eric Martsolf as Self - Contestant

    Eric Martsolf

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  3. Zach Tinker as Self - Contestant

    Zach Tinker

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  4. Tina Huang as Self - Contestant

    Tina Huang

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  5. Lindsay Arnold as Self - Contestant

    Lindsay Arnold

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  6. Victoria Konefal as Self - Contestant

    Victoria Konefal

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  7. Martha Madison as Self - Contestant

    Martha Madison

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  8. Galen Gering as Self - Contestant

    Galen Gering

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  9. Bryan Dattilo as Self - Contestant

    Bryan Dattilo

    Self - Contestant

    1 Bölüm

  10. Devamını Göster

Tüm Oyuncular ve Ekip

Son Sezon

Sezon 3

2023 • 20 Bölüm

Weakest Link dizisinin 3. sezonu , 11, 2023 tarihinde gösterime girdi.

A Slap to the Face

(3x20, " 10, 2024) Sezon Finali

Tüm Sezonları Görüntüle

Weakest Link
Weakest Link

Film Detayları

Durum Yeni Sezonu Olan Diziler

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Tip Gerçeklik

Orijinal Dili İngilizce

Anahtar Kelimeler

İçerik Sonucu 


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  • Devamlı oyuncular (4 veya daha fazla)
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