Episodi 8


Part I

23 gennaio, 19771h 37m

In Gambia, West Africa, Kunta Kinte, son of Omoro and Binta, distinguishes himself in manhood training rituals. But he does not enjoy his new status long: slave traders sweeping the countryside seize him. Chained with other captives, Kunta begins an agonized odyssey to the New World.

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Part II

24 gennaio, 19771h 37m

Despite a violent rebellion, the slave ship Lord Ligonier completes its voyage and Kunta Kinte endures the indignity of an Annapolis slave auction. Fiddler, the slave in charge of Kunta's training, becomes his only friend, a friendship that's tested when Kunta plans his escape.

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Part III

25 gennaio, 19771h 31m

In 1776, a nation fights for freedom - but not for all. Still driven by his memories as a Mandinka "fighting man," Kunta (now renamed Toby) escapes once more.

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Part IV

26 gennaio, 197751m

After Genelva's nighttime dalliance with Junta deflects suspicion so she can flee with her lover, Kunta forms a romantic attachment to the worldly-wise Bell, whom he marries.

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Part V

27 gennaio, 197751m

The teenage Kizzy, well-versed in Mandinka history, falls in love with young Noah, who's determined to escape.

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Part VI

28 gennaio, 197751m

Chicken George is sent to England as payment for his owner's gambling debt.

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Part VII

29 gennaio, 197751m

Chicken George returns to North Carolina to find his sons have married and started families - and to learn about a state law that says his status as a free man is forfeited if he stays more than 60 days. Meanwhile, the nation erupts in Civil War.

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Season Finale
30 gennaio, 19771h 36m

The Civil War is over but night riders terrorize ex-slaves. By marking his clients' horseshoes, Tom identifies the raiders but endangers his own life. Chicken George, who fought for the Union, rejoins his family. He leads them to a new home in Tennessee.

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Guest Stars 4 Cast e troupe al completo

  1. Robert Phalen

    Rufus Jackson

  2. Wayne Heffley


  3. Charles Cyphers

    Fred Drake

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