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The series centres around the investigations of Police Lieutenant Sławomir Borewicz. Each episode features a different case being solved by Borewicz.

  1. Krzysztof Szmagier


Series Cast

  1. Bronisław Cieślak as Sławomir Borewicz

    Bronisław Cieślak

    Sławomir Borewicz

    21 Episodes

  2. Zdzisław Tobiasz as Major Wołczyk

    Zdzisław Tobiasz

    Major Wołczyk

    21 Episodes

  3. Zdzisław Kozień as Antoni Zubek

    Zdzisław Kozień

    Antoni Zubek

    14 Episodes

  4. Ewa Florczak as Ewa Olszańska

    Ewa Florczak

    Ewa Olszańska

    14 Episodes

  5. Jerzy Rogalski as Waldemar Jaszczuk

    Jerzy Rogalski

    Waldemar Jaszczuk

    7 Episodes

  6. Roman Kosierkiewicz as Militiaman, mężczyzna w restauracji w Kosowie, and pijak w komendzie MO

    Roman Kosierkiewicz

    Militiaman, mężczyzna w restauracji w Kosowie, pijak w komendzie MO

    5 Episodes

  7. Józef Korzeniowski

    barman w „Posejdonie”, Kazimierz Bagiński, Lisoń, Kaskadzie Bartender

    4 Episodes

  8. Andrzej Szenajch as zabity milicjant Waldek, Clerk in Job Centre, Okęcie Customs Officer, and kelner w „Victorii”

    Andrzej Szenajch

    zabity milicjant Waldek, Clerk in Job Centre, Okęcie Customs Officer, kelner w „Victorii”

    4 Episodes

  9. Zbigniew Buczkowski as „Portier”, goryl pana Emila, Szklane Oczko, menel w lesie, and Konorek

    Zbigniew Buczkowski

    „Portier”, goryl pana Emila, Szklane Oczko, menel w lesie, Konorek

    4 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 5

1987 • 3 Episodes

Season 5 of Calling 07 premiered on April 26, 1987.

Przerwany urlop

(5x3, April 26, 1987) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Calling 07
Calling 07


Original Name 07 zgłoś się

Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language Polish


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