Jaksot 6


Full Metal Magnus

29 syyskuu 2022

When metal-eating baby Razortooth Metalmaw dragons follow Magnus back to his workshop, he must ask the Rescue Riders for help before the babies eat him out of house and home, literally.

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Triple Trouble Tuesday

29 syyskuu 2022

On a wild day in Huttsgalor, one of Magnus' new Mechanos runs amok, Slinkwing Lurke attacks the town and Elbone goes missing while on a new business venture.

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Where's Waldondo

29 syyskuu 2022

Nothing is as it seems when the Rescue Riders team up with Marena to save Waldondo del Mundo after he's captured by Erik the Wretched.

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The Greatest Showdragons

29 syyskuu 2022

When Burple finds an old flyer for "The Amazing Arno's Carnival of Dragons" in one of his stomachs, Dak and Leyla tell Duggard the story of Burple and Cutter's carnival days and how they broke out to join the Rescue Riders.

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Copy That

29 syyskuu 2022

While Leyla, Summer and Cutter are off helping Elbone with his latest business venture, Dak, Winger, Aggro and Burple find themselves dueling for control of the Roost with a mischievous Copyclaw dragon.

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And You Are?

Season Finale
29 syyskuu 2022

When Dak and Leyla cross paths with a dragon whose blast wipes out memories, it's up to Winger, Summer, Burple, Cutter and Aggro to find a way to bring their memories back before they forget they're Rescue Riders forever.

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