Polizeiruf 110 (1971)
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
시리즈 출연진
Hauptkommissar Herbert Schneider, Herbert Schneider, Kommissar Schneider, Schneider and 7 more...
130 화
Hauptkommissar Herbert Schmücke, Herbert Schmücke, Kommissar Schmücke, Schmücke and 3 more...
126 화
Hauptmann Fuchs, Oberleutnant Fuchs, Hauptmann Peter Fuchs, Fuchs and 3 more...
91 화
Leutnant Vera Arndt, Vera Arndt, Leutnant Arndt, LeutnantVera Arndt and 1 more...
48 화
Rosamunde Weigand, Carmen Veltin, Putzfrau, Marie and 4 more...
45 화
Hauptmeister Horst Krause, Revierpolizist Krause, Krause, Paul and 9 more...
43 화
Hauptkommissarin Olga Lenski, Kriminalhauptkommissarin Olga Lenski, Kriminalkommissarin Olga Lenski, Olga Lenski and 1 more...
43 화
Thomas Grawe, Head of Office, Achim Zoch, Klaus Grabowski and 4 more...
41 화
Oberkommissarin Nora Lindner, Nora Lindner
36 화
현재 시즌
상태 다음 시즌 방영 예정
Type 스크립트
원어 독일어
문제 보고를 하려면 로그인 해주십시오