讨论 Psych

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Not sure they could do it justice in 90-120 minutes, besides they would probably have Shawn & Jules married with a couple of kids, blah, blah, blah and the whole gang gets together for 'one last case'.

I loved Psych (was sorry to see it go). I watch it every night at 1:00 am on ION TV. The boys always make me laugh.

I think it might have a chance if they get 90 to 120 minutes every couple years. They were running out of material as a series. But I share your concern they'd have Shawn and Jules married with kids. I usually abhor that sort of thing, but I could see potential for a day when Shawn's kids could be old enough to behave like him. I can just hear Shawn wondering where his kids learned to act like that. LOL

You know though, if Henry hadn't been such an asshole Shawn might have been a little more mature (not completely mind, we can't have that) but Henry was just the biggest 'buzzkill'.

That might be like the chicken and the egg debate. Was Shawn immature because of the way his dad treated him, or did his dad treat him like that because he was immature? Having raised kids to adulthood, I can see both sides of that.

I'm a parent also, but he just didn't let Shawn be a kid, Henry was the only regular character that I just didn't like.

It's just a TV show I know but still...?

I just found an article about this too! It says that the entire cast is back (though they don't mention Woody...). I actually heard about this on Sat. from a friend, and he believes that Monk will appear and it will be some type of crossover. I would love that, but they would probably need to keep their focus. Still, totally exciting!!!


@mav100000 said:

I just found an article about this too! It says that the entire cast is back (though they don't mention Woody...). I actually heard about this on Sat. from a friend, and he believes that Monk will appear and it will be some type of crossover. I would love that, but they would probably need to keep their focus. Still, totally exciting!!!


The Monk appearance wouldn't be that much of a stretch as you recall- he was the new consultant they hired in SF in the Psych finale. SOOOOO looking forward to this in December!

Agreed, which is why it would work, but they would still need to keep some focus! Very excited and will possibly do a Psych marathon to celebrate!

Can't wait. This will be a must-see, live TV event.



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