Discuter de The Vampire Diaries

Caroline and Alaric are opening a school for the gifted

I though Alaric was going to use the Armory mansion , the huge mansion with lot's book and magical device .

But after re-watching the finale , are they turning Salvatore Boarding house into the new Boarding school ? Or just change the name of the Armory Mansion to "Salvatore Boarding School for the gifted"

Salvatore Boarding house is a nice big place to live with for a few people , is that big enough for a School ?

And I though Mystic Falls will be a good place for normal human again , for Elena and Damon to live a long and happy human life together.

A supernatural school for Witches will just attract more Supernatural creature , a lot more human death , and Matt will have continue the cover up again as the Mayor .

On the other hand a school full of Witches can defend Mystic Falls against Vampire Attack

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I thought it was at the armory and they just names it Salvatore boarding school for the gifted.

I thought it was the boarding house . Some of the living area looked like Salvatore living room . I will ha e to go back k and relook. I wonder if the rest of the characters had families?

Ending was too rushed. A little more detail of all the characters lives would have been nice

I believe its the house not the armory..I did go back and look and I agree that the one room looks a lot like the room where the couches were..Helpful I know LOL Not the room with the fireplace, the other one ! It also just looked far more Salvatore house like then anything I ever saw at the armory...Wasnt at least part of the armory burned when Bonnie did her fire spell thing...I would assume instead of trying to fix it, Stefan wanted them to use the house.

It turns out this show is the prequel to the X-Men series


Oh ! I also just saw on facebook that Kevin Willianson said that after donating Salvatore Boarding house to Caroline, Damon rebuilt the Gilbert house for Elena. So yes, it looks like the new school is the old Salvatore house.

Would have liked to see thst

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