When this aired on PBS stations in 1995, it generally spanned two nights. It's described on IMDb and on VHS/DVD as a movie, but it debuted as described here: https://americanarchive.org/catalog?f%5Bseries_titles%5D%5B%5D=Thomas+Jefferson%3A+A+View+from+the+Mountain&f%5Baccess_types%5D%5B%5D=all
Nemôžeš nájsť film alebo seriál? Prihlás sa a pridaj ho.
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Nie ste členom?
Odpoveď od bratface
dňa 4. júl, 2023 o 9:18PM
I'm unsure what you are asking?
Odpoveď od Ben
dňa 4. júl, 2023 o 10:19PM
I thought I posted this under "general", not "content issues". It's a defensive statement against some admin nuking it as duplicate. No question being asked. It would be nice if there were a place to record sources/provenance of information in case it is later questioned.