A Little Princess týraly talqylaý

A few sources alleged the series aired as six episodes in the UK and three episodes in the US.

I confirmed the PBS (US) broadcast:

Thursday. February 19. 1987 "A Little Princess" will be presented on three consecutive Saturdays beginning this weekend.

But I couldn't confirm that it aired in the UK first. I added the same air dates most databases use... shrug

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Here's a page about the LWT version, I think that one is pretty detailed to be trusted!


As the crew (director, producers) also are British, I think it's very likely it premiered in the UK.

We could just add and lock the first and last episode dates;

"Sunday 18th January 1987 to 22nd February 1987."

And then maybe guesstimate the rest of the episode each a week apart, see if that fits :-P

I think it's very likely it premiered in the UK.

I agree, it's part of the reason why I didn't use the US dates. Your source matches the dates I added, thanks @alltimemarr !

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