Jaksot 35


Köln - The Flowers of Evil

1 tammikuu 20071h 30m

Max gets commended in the paper for excellent police work, and finds himself targeted by a maniac in response. Directed by Thomas Stiller, 2007.

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Jakso 2

7 tammikuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 3

21 tammikuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 4

28 tammikuu 20071h 30m

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End of Silence

11 helmikuu 20071h 30m

Silke Rohwedder's empty sailing boat is found on the open sea. Her jacket, shoes and handbag on board, there are no signs of her.

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Jakso 6

18 helmikuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 7

25 helmikuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 8

11 maaliskuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 9

18 maaliskuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 10

25 maaliskuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 11

1 huhtikuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 12

9 huhtikuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 13

15 huhtikuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 14

29 huhtikuu 20071h 30m

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The dark side

26 toukokuu 20071h 30m

When a truck is robbed, one of the drivers is killed and another is seriously injured. The investigations always lead Lena Odenthal and Mario Kopper back to the shipping company, because it quickly becomes apparent that there was an informant within the company. When Lena and Kopper find out about the shipping company's payment difficulties, the perpetrator seems to have been identified. But then a second murder occurs and the two detectives have to start their investigation all over again.

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Jakso 16

20 toukokuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 17

28 toukokuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 18

10 kesäkuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 19

24 kesäkuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 20

1 heinäkuu 20071h 30m

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Bremen - Radiant Future

26 elokuu 20071h 30m

A desperate mother leads Lursen and Stedefreund on a quest to see if cell phone radiation makes people sick.

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Jakso 22

9 syyskuu 20071h 30m

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Power of Fear

16 syyskuu 20071h 30m

The city of Kiel goes on lockdown after a sniper shoots a man on the Hörn Bridge.

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A Sure Thing

23 syyskuu 20071h 30m

Batic. „ A gmahde Wiesn “ means in Bavarian both „ a mowed meadow “ and colloquially „ a project that cannot go wrong “ - „ a surefire thing “. And „ die Wiesn “ is of course also the synonym for the Munich Oktoberfest, the largest folk festival in the world. As every year, showmen and Munich hosts are preparing for the race for the coveted places. The violent death of the influential city councilor Hubert Serner (Bruno Graf) is therefore an issue in the city: Serner's assistant Diana Aljescu (Anita Matija) found the lawyer in his garden pond.

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Jakso 25

7 lokakuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 26

14 lokakuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 27

21 lokakuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 28

28 lokakuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 29

11 marraskuu 20071h 30m

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Tekijät 2

Ohjaus: Hajo Gies

Käsikirjoittaja: Hans-Werner Honert

Vierailevat tähdet 10 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Thomas Rudnick

    Tommi Ehrlicher

  2. Simone von Zglinicki

    Staatsanwältin Mitterer

  3. Julia Brendler

    Eva Sauer

  4. Martin Brambach

    Hans Meier

  5. Thomas Rühmann

    Rudolf Hahn

  6. Peter Prager

    Herr Sauer

  7. Renate Blume

    Frau Sauer

  8. Peter Sodann

    Bruno Ehrlicher

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Jakso 30

25 marraskuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 31

2 joulukuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 32

9 joulukuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 33

16 joulukuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 34

23 joulukuu 20071h 30m

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Jakso 35

Season Finale
30 joulukuu 20071h 30m

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