Diskuse o Bylo, nebylo

Whilst I still think that the Season 6 finale worked better, the S7 finale wasn't bad.

It did feel a little disjointed, with the ante-penultimate ep providing an end for the Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights lot only for a new peril to arise but be dealt with in time for the Enchanted Forest/Storybrooke crew to get their Happy Endings. I'd also have liked the ending to be stretched out a little longer and to have more appearances from past actors, but I guess there wasn't the time/budget. I have to confess to being moved to tears by the heavenly(?) reunion between * & * and the final scenes were great.

I'm so glad they actually managed to get a "proper" ending to the show.

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Just finished watching the final episode on Netflix and I too liked the ending and wished there could've been more to the ending, since there were a few unanswered questions. Maybe down the line they'll find some way to revisit the OUAT verse somehow.

Nemůžete nalézt film nebo seriál? Přihlaste se pro jeho vytvoření.


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