에피소드 22


Out Of Control

10월 3, 200323m

Raven investagates after having a vision of Eddie And Chelsea looking like there about to kiss.

Meanwhile, Raven campaigns to Victor in order to get eggrolls onto the ""Chill Grill"" menu for her crush, Devon

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Don't Have A Cow

10월 17, 200323m

Alana is going to have a Halloween Party.Eddie is already invited and Raven is mad cause Alana didn`t invite Chelse Or Rae. The two uninvited girls eat at the Chill Grill-where Alana is goin to have her party.Victor gives them burgers to eat.Chelsea(a vegitarian)dosen`t know that she is eating Rae`s burger which is meat.Rae comes up with a plan to put a spell(with the help of Viv`s spell book.) on Alana to make her invite them to the party.So the plan works except that Chelsea has dropped her No-Cow pin into the potion.Now they see that they have Cow Ears,they freak and look for the book that Eddie used for his costume.Now what will they do?Try to get the book back at the party as cows?

Meanwhile,Willam(Cory`s friend)&Cory are goin trick of treating without Victor leaving him alone.

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Run Raven Run

Mid-Season Finale
11월 14, 200323m

Raven must avoid Alana after making her get paint in her hair.

Meanwhile,Victor,Cory&Willam get chicken pox.

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Clothes Minded

1월 1, 200423m

Raven's visions are not so friendly when they cause her to get into a big heap of trouble Raven inadvertently forces Principal Lawler to enforce uniforms. Trying to protest Raven gets detention , and is disappointed when Eddie and Chelsea don't back her up , in detention Raven mixes in with Alana and her crowd, who have stolen Principal Lawler's 'Parmesan Cheese'. When they decide to stink up the school to rebel against the uniforms they stuff the parmesan cheese in the school ventilator and plan to blame it on Eddie & Chelsea. Meanwhile,Lionel gets a credit card and Cory goes over the limit with it.

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Four's a Crowd

1월 30, 200423m

Raven goes on her first date with Devon, and grows anxious when she sees that he's going to kiss her on the date.

Meanwhile, Chelsea&Eddie play ""Contwingo""&watch movies with Tanya&Victor.

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Hearts and Minds

2월 6, 200423m

When Raven has a vision of Cory getting no valentine,she tries to give him tips,but they don't work,so Eddie teaches him to rap to get a boost confidence.

Meanwhile,Chelsea has to have her new boyfriend approved by Tanya&Victor since her parents are away.

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Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind

3월 19, 200423m

When Raven gets invited to a convention for Devon's favorite show she doesn't want to go, but when she has a vision that Devon is nuzzling another girl, Raven,Chelsea&Eddie crash the convention.

Meanwhile,Since Willam thinks Cory is psychic(thanks to Cory not telling Willam about Raven's vision about finding Willam's rabbit)Cory goes along with it and hits pepole up for cash to read people's pets minds.

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That's So Not Raven

4월 9, 200423m

Raven tries out her creation to be in a model magazine,but is surprised at the results.

Meanwhile, Cory sells things to get a ""Gameball 2""

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Blue in the Face

4월 16, 200423m

When Raven is asked by Devon to go to a Blue Rain concert,her grades keep her from going.

Meanwhile,Cory wants to hang out with a ""Cool Girl""-who makes fun of Willam's clothes.

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Spa Day Afternoon

5월 21, 200423m

When Tanya wants Raven to go the Spa with her,she refuses,until she has a vision of her favorite singer Maisha is going to be there.

Meanwhile, Victor has Chelsea,Eddie&Cory trying out his Mother's ""Pickled Artichoke Mash Potatoes"".

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Leave it to Diva

5월 28, 200423m

Raven gets a ""Psychic Cold"",which she has the abilty to read minds,just as her Grandmother comes.

Meanwhile,Cory has to take his pet rat,Lionel over to Eddie's and starts to miss him.

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There Goes the Bride

6월 11, 200423m

Raven's boyfriend's Father is getting married.But the thing is-he has to move to Seattle.

Meanwhile,Cory gets an annoying motion dector alarm.

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Radio Heads

6월 25, 200423m

Raven and Eddie begin to resent each other over a D.J. job.

Meanwhile,Cory wants Victor to be ""Hip"",so he gets him a wig.

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A Goat's Tale

7월 2, 200423m

When Eddie gets tired of Jefferson stealing the Bayside Barracuda,he steals the Jefferson Goat,which eats Raven's concert tickets.

Meanwhile,Cory goes worldwide gaming with someone in Hong Kong.

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He's Got the Power

7월 9, 200423m

When Eddie gets psychic powers,he brags about it which makes him popular&making Raven mad at him.

Meanwhile,Cory gets hooked into this Crime Disco movie,""Undercover Disco Divas""

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7월 16, 200423m

When Raven and Chelsea go camping,Raven really doesn't ""Rough It""out,bringing household appliances.

Meanwhile,Eddie hires Cory as his manager.

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The Dating Shame

7월 23, 200423m

Raven&Chelsea goes on a dating show,""TermiDate""to win a date with the very cute Chad.

Meanwhile,Cory lies to stay home by hiself.

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The Road To Audition

7월 30, 200423m

When a talent scout comes to Bayside, everyone has reason to sing, except for one thing: the talent scout is dressed in disguise.

Meanwhile,Cory looks for Victor&Tanya's embarrasing performance tape.

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The Lying Game

8월 6, 200423m

Chaos ensues when Raven is assigned as a teacher's aid to her little brother's class.

Meanwhile,Eddie tries to sell Tanya&Victor a new couch(Thanks to Raven's vision&Eddie's Furniture Salesman job).

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Numb and Numb-er

9월 10, 200423m

Cory is scared to go to the dentist when Raven has a vision of him needing a filling.

Meanwhile,Victor,Chelsea&Eddie come up with ideas for a commercial for The Chill Grill.

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My Big Fat Pizza Party

9월 17, 200423m

Raven&Chelsea get job's at The Chill Grill to pay for a ski tri, and they don`t do too swell on the first day.

Meanwhile,Cory tries to stop Willam from having a clown at his birthday party at The Chill Grill.

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Shake, Rattle and Rae

Season Finale
9월 24, 200423m

Alana and her crew get on Raven's last nerve, causing her to overreact in class and flunk a test. In order to avoid being suspended, she must make peace with Alana. To do so, she invites Alana over to a slumber party. But when she has a vision of an earthquake, things get pretty weird.

Meanwhile, Victor gives Eddie driving lessons, which don't go too well when an officer pulls them over.

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