讨论 WWE Raw

Hey, remember me. I used to post backstage info on the IMDb board. Since this board is a lot smaller, I can reveal that I know someone who works for WWE. I'll post whatever info I can get out of them.

Emma was fired by a furious Vince for going into business for herself during her matches with Asuka. Asuka's debut match with Emma was supposed to be short with Asuka giving most of the offense. Emma was picked to wrestle Asuka due to their good matches in NXT. But Emma decided to give more offense then she was supposed to which is why they seemed more evenly matched. Vince was furious with Emma backstage and yelled at her. But he decided to give her a second chance and let her wrestle Asuka again the next week. But the next week, Emma did the same thing. Vince yelled at Emma again backstage and also fired her right there. (No, he didn't scream "You're fired!") Emma was very upset and cried. This, in addition to the Emmalina debacle which was delayed for months because Emma was uncooperative in rehearsals, made Emma very unpopular backstage.

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I remember you, what's up?

I hope Gavin doesn't find us over here...



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