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Mariko is a forensic scientist working at the Kyoto PD Crime Lab. Her credo is “science never lies” and she delves into the truth of the case with her colleagues with their specialized skills and knowledge in forensic medicine, physics, chemistry etc. Mariko’s steadfast belief in science makes her stand against conventional institutional ethics of the police department, diehard detectives averse to scientific investigation and sometimes even with her own colleagues, but she stays faithful to her belief in science and continues to pursue the truth.

Series Cast

  1. Yasuko Sawaguchi as Mariko Sakaki

    Yasuko Sawaguchi

    Mariko Sakaki

    288 Episodes

  2. Takashi Naito as Kaoru Domon and Kaname Muto

    Takashi Naito

    Kaoru Domon, Kaname Muto

    61 Episodes

  3. Satoru Saito as Kazumasa Hino and Teruo Enokido

    Satoru Saito

    Kazumasa Hino, Teruo Enokido

    61 Episodes

  4. Mayumi Wakamura as Satsuki Kazaoka

    Mayumi Wakamura

    Satsuki Kazaoka

    43 Episodes

  5. Toru Kazama as Yuya Usami

    Toru Kazama

    Yuya Usami

    34 Episodes

  6. Akio Kaneda as Jinichi Fujikura

    Akio Kaneda

    Jinichi Fujikura

    33 Episodes

  7. Hikaru Yamamoto as Ami Wakuta

    Hikaru Yamamoto

    Ami Wakuta

    33 Episodes

  8. Seiya Osada as Ryo Soma

    Seiya Osada

    Ryo Soma

    33 Episodes

  9. Takehiko Ono as Ichiro Sakaki

    Takehiko Ono

    Ichiro Sakaki

    19 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Current Season

Season 24

2024 • 10 Episodes

Season 24 of The Woman of S.R.I. premiered on July 3, 2024.

Episode 10

(24x10, September 11, 2024)

View All Seasons

The Woman of S.R.I.
The Woman of S.R.I.


Original Name 科捜研の女

Status Returning Series


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Type Scripted

Original Language Japanese


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