Discuție Rick și Morty

this is probably the most exciting show currently on TV and there are zero threads on the board?

TMDB better have some hardcore rick and morty fans.

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Like rick and morty forever, rick and morty forever and ever a million times, rick and morty adventures.com hardcore fans.

Rick and Morty is one of the best current TV shows. The greatest animated show of all time, past and future...

...and I can prove it mathematically.

I heard a lot of great things about this, but still haven't seen it... speak_no_evil :

@GrandTardigrade go ahead, prove it, I got your back even if the maths don't make much sense (for regular humans).

@alltimemarr you've got yourself some intense homework for the weekend! Come back when you'be finished season 2 and tell the world how much you're desperate for season 3 :D

haha! I promise I will, although, right now I'm watching Dead Like Me, before it leaves Netflix NL, but, after that, maybe, if there's not another cool series leaving Netflix soon open_mouth

@alltimemarr never heard of that show before (probably it isn't available on Netflix PT). Check out Santa Clarita Diet, very funny take on zombie theme.

@ana catarina fontes said:

@alltimemarr never heard of that show before (probably it isn't available on Netflix PT). Check out Santa Clarita Diet, very funny take on zombie theme.

True, it's only on NL and Belgium Netflix. I always use unogs.com to find out what's new/going away for each country (although, I only look at NL of course haha)

Oh yeah! Santa Clarita seems fun. And theres at least one episode with Nathan Fillion <3 I miss him now that there's no Castle anymore.

Haha he appears on more than one episode and he plays a really funny (slash really annoying) role.

@ana catarina fontes said:

Haha he appears on more than one episode and he plays a really funny (slash really annoying) role.

That makes me happy! I saw him for a split-second in the trailer, so I figured it was just a minor role, maybe a zombie food victim.

something like that ;)

@alltimemarr said:

I heard a lot of great things about this, but still haven't seen it... speak_no_evil :

Watch it and realize the greatness! You will love it.. or you'll just be wrong stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Seriously though, this show is very funny and I think more intelligent than many realize

@ana catarina fontes said:

@GrandTardigrade go ahead, prove it, I got your back even if the maths don't make much sense (for regular humans).

I'll get those calculations together just as soon as I'm done playing at Blips and Chitz

live well, roy ;)

Wubba lubba dub dub When will the new season begin

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