Über Riddle Story of Devil diskutieren

Item: Who's the Winner (1x13)

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Akuma no Riddle has only 12 episodes in its first season. This 13th episode is a special, and was never broadcast. It was released with the seventh volume of Blu-ray/DVD discs.

https://myanimelist.net/anime/19429/Akuma_no_Riddle (the series)

https://myanimelist.net/anime/24751/Akuma_no_Riddle__Shousha_wa_Dare_Nukiuchi_Test (this episode, separately listed as a special)

TVDB lists this episode as a special, as well: https://www.thetvdb.com/series/riddle-story-of-devil/episodes/5078860

2 Antworten (Seite 1 von 1)

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Bump? This report has been open for a week, and my ultimate goal (getting the duplicate episode removed from Trakt) is impossible until it's resolved.

Fixed, thanks!

This report has been open for a week, and my ultimate goal (getting the duplicate episode removed from Trakt) is impossible until it's resolved.

It's usually take us around a month/a month and a half to close all the reports. So please be patient and avoid unnecessarily bumping your reports. construction_worker_tone4

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