Wild Heart (2014)

TV-PG SoapDrama
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Park was mistreated by his stepfather and he mistaken that his mother doesn't love him so he ran away from home at a young age. He was helped by this rich man who took him in as a son. Amawasee is the niece of Park's stepfather. She was sad when Park left because he was nice to her and she has feeling for him.

Years later Amawasee meets Park again as the man who brought the house his stepfather put on sale because the family was having financial difficulty due to Park's younger brother. Amawasee knew that he's her P'Park despite his cold demeanor but Park refused to accept that he's P'Park, calling himself Raj Rutchapbumi now.

  1. Sarunyu Wongkrachang


Series Cast

  1. Akkaphan Namart as Park/Raj Rutchapbumi

    Akkaphan Namart

    Park/Raj Rutchapbumi

    16 Episodes

  2. Usamanee Vaithayanon as Amawasee

    Usamanee Vaithayanon


    16 Episodes

  3. Pichayadon Peungphan as

    Pichayadon Peungphan

    16 Episodes

  4. Kanyakorn Pinij as Saibua

    Kanyakorn Pinij


    16 Episodes

  5. Nichanun Funkaew as

    Nichanun Funkaew

    16 Episodes

  6. Chuthamat Mantalampha

    16 Episodes

  7. Jayda Sarunya

    16 Episodes

  8. Chawan Janjitranon

    16 Episodes

  9. Paan Phanarin

    16 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1

2014 • 16 Episodes

Season 1 of Wild Heart premiered on June 25, 2014.

Episode 16

(1x16, July 10, 2014) Season Finale

View All Seasons

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Original Name Hua Jai Teuan

Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language Thai


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