Apspriediet Bibliotekāri

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Love Rebecca Romijn as Eve Baird smiley

I'm here. This was my first choice of IMDB alternatives. Hope this board picks up. Going to post a direct link to the discussion page and see if anyone joins us.

I wouldn't call myself a fan, but yeah, I watch the show!

Me! Love it. It's like Doctor Who Meets Warehouse 13! Glad it got a renewal!

Me! And glad to hear about that renewal. I love hour long shows with a lighthearted approach to storytelling. Librarians reminds me of the funnier episodes of Buffy or Xena, a throwback to the 90s, when TV wasn't always so gritty.

I'm midway through Season 2 right now, and can't wait to see more.

@Gothor said:

Librarians reminds me of the funnier episodes of Buffy or Xena, a throwback to the 90s, when TV wasn't always so gritty.

My thoughts, exactly!

Yes, another fan here! I laughed at the Buffy Xena similarities. I guess you guys are right - it's not gritty and I like that.

Just started watching, so far it's fun. I am watching episode 4 (Christmas episode with Bruce Campbell as Santa) right now.

Good fun and what everyone else said. Librarians are really like this you know.📚😀

@znexyish said:

Good fun and what everyone else said. Librarians are really like this you know.📚😀

I liked the movies too, they are like a light-hearted 'Tomb Raider'/'Indiana Jones'. I wasn't a big fan of Buffy but I did watch Angel occasionally. What it does remind me of is 'Leverage' but I've only seen 4 episodes.

I wanted to be a librarian, but couldn't afford the tuition for a 4-year degree.

I liked the first two movies. It's too bad that he couldn't find his true love, or he wasn't really looking?

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