Über Emerald City diskutieren


Not exactly unexpected, but still sad to hear.

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I think it's chances were hurt because the story unfolded too slowly. I heard several fans say that they didn't like it at first but were slowly pulled in. That rarely works for television success. Let it be a lesson to all the would-be producers out there. Grab the audience fast or face certain death.

I think, too, that a great many people simply were resistant to such a dark-toned series, that had such a "re-imagined" story, that so differed in personality from the classic 1939 MGM movie they grew up knowing and loving. I mean now Dorothy (who's rather kick-ass) and "Scarecrow" are sleeping together (and he's married to the Good Witch, no less!), and the "Bad Witch" isn't actually seeming all too bad any more (not to mention is a hopeless drugs junkie), while Glinda isn't exactly wonderful herself. Etc., etc.

Clearly we didn't mind the differences. But there's a great many people who I think just were too close-minded to the drastic differences to be willing to give it a fair chance. One close friend (who'd been really looking forward to the series beforehand) told me he abandoned episode 1 - and the series overall - by 20 minutes in, saying the total overhaul proved too much of a complete turnoff.

Too bad, there was just no buzz about it at all, Episode 1 was terribly slow but I stayed with it because I enjoyed the sets and costumes, I’m glad I did, it was well worth watching.

I rather enjoyed the dark take on it, I’d only seen Wizard of Oz as a child, and was never a great fan of it, though I expect fans who read the books were more displeasured about this show than anybody.

If ever they make a TV series staying true to the books, I’ll give it a look, thanks to this show.

It really got better and better with every episode... It´s a shame they won´t give it a second chance... Cast, authors and set designers would have deserved it :(

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