Über The Twilight Zone diskutieren

i don't mean "which episode would you constantly watch", i mean, if you were one of those people entering the twilight zone, which destiny (episode) would you choose? i suppose "time enough at last" would be a nightmarish one, but all people didn't go to bad places, in "the sixteen-millimeter shrine" the lady steps back to her movie career, also sometimes they enter and get sent back to reality, a third option are episodes like "the trouble with templeton" where he urges for his laura and finds her in the past, but then gets sent back to the future. or just say which kind of own private twilight zone you'd like to enter.

twilight zonedoor clock

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"Two." I wouldn't mind repopulating the Earth with a pre-"Bewitched" Elizabeth Montgomery.

Or how about "Person or Persons Unknown"? He gets a new wife who is arguably hotter than his last one.

The Long Morrow, hands down.

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