Kazokugari (2014)

14 Drama
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Hizaki Yuko is a child psychologist working at the Childcare Center. At work, her heart goes out to the children at the center. At home, she has to endure the grumblings of her mother, Tamiko, who is the sole caregiver of Seitaro, Yuko's father suffering from Alzheimer's. With the suffering of the children at work and the complaints of her mother at home, Yuko can hardly get any rest and peace of mind. Sudo Shunsuke is a teaching art at a high school, but the days just flow by aimlessly for him. He dreams of creating a masterpiece and have his talent recognized by the world. His girlfriend, Kiyooka Miho, is pressuring him to get married, but Shunsuke is reluctant to do so. One day, a crime takes place in Shunsuke's neighbor's apartment. The police had deemed it a murder-suicide, based on the suicide note left behind by the son, claiming that he had killed his grandfather and parents. Detective Mamihara Koki feels there is more to it, as the brutality of the parents' murder seems uncharacteristic of the child perpetrator. He decides to pursue the case further, and soon, Shunsuke and Yuko are unwittingly pulled into the investigations.

Series Cast

  1. Ken'ichi Endô as Mamihara Koki

    Ken'ichi Endô

    Mamihara Koki

    10 Episodes

  2. Yasuko Matsuyuki as Hizaki Yuko

    Yasuko Matsuyuki

    Hizaki Yuko

    10 Episodes

  3. Atsushi Ito as Sudo Shunsuke

    Atsushi Ito

    Sudo Shunsuke

    10 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1

2014 • 10 Episodes

Season 1 of Kazokugari premiered on July 4, 2014.

Episode 10

(1x10, September 5, 2014) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Original Name 家族狩り

Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language Japanese


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