Debate The X Change Rate

Item: The X Change Rate

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Can someone lock the network field? I'm not sure if the network is Buildseries, YouTube or Buildseries AND YouTube..? (Or, should that network be ""?). I just checked and the release dates, episode titles, and episode descriptions are exactly the same on YouTube as it is on I guess it would come down to whether it airs at the exact same time or if they are at different times in the same day? However, maybe the network should only be buildseries(.com) since many of the overviews say "...only on!"?

(Note: I'm also not entirely sure this even belongs in the db according to this reply from Travis).

Also, can someone lock the original name field? I think it probably should be The X Change Rate, but I not sure. Maybe "The X Change Rate with Monét X Change"- this is what comes up during the intro to the episodes and at the end of each episode (and what is on the poster) .

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