How will Nelle prove she DIDN'T have sex with Sonny that night. If this ever comes out, why would anyone believe her?
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Răspuns de RodimusConvoy
pe data de 3 martie 2017 la ora 1:48 PM
Why wouldn't they believe her in this instance? It would make Sonny look better. That's how this show is always written. If it helps Sonny it flies.
Răspuns de cosmoeticadotcom
pe data de 3 martie 2017 la ora 2:00 PM
More importantly, does anyone really care about this SL any longer? Another good potential tale run into the ground.
Răspuns de RodimusConvoy
pe data de 3 martie 2017 la ora 2:01 PM
Oh I stopped caring a while ago. this show has a habit of having awesome starts that peter out.
Răspuns de Dedoc1967
pe data de 5 martie 2017 la ora 5:01 PM
If she tests negative for any array of STIs.
Răspuns de autoexec.batman
pe data de 5 martie 2017 la ora 5:29 PM
The bigger, and more important, question is 'why is Sonny so stupid as to believe that he did sleep with Nelle?' Seriously, if I woke up one morning in a stupor, unable to remember what happened, and found myself in bed, with my clothes, next to a girl 30 years younger than me, who also had her clothes on, and I had no memory of anything, and as Sonny himself said, I never felt attracted to her, I would doubt the truth of her story that we had sex. Why didn't Sonny? Literally the first thing I would say is 'if we had sex, then how come we both have our clothes on, am I such a sexy stud that I can penetrate you through your panties, without even making a hole in them?'