Epizódy 250



3. apríl, 201736m

Sonny is humbled; Sam seeks closure; Carly receives sad news.

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4. apríl, 201736m

Tracy demands answers; Finn battles his demons; Liz sympathizes with Hayden.

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5. apríl, 201736m

Anna is remorseful; Dante is intrigued; Valentin is taken aback.

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6. apríl, 201736m

Lulu suffers a setback; Sonny gets surprising news; Nelle has a realization.

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7. apríl, 201736m

Dante remains suspicious; Liz reassures Franco; Carly finds a new way to forgive.

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10. apríl, 201736m

Nelle confesses her sins; Franco is put on notice; Sonny is blindsided.

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11. apríl, 201736m

Finn grows desperate; Sonny fears the worst; Hayden moves on.

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12. apríl, 201736m

Valentin receives a gift; Nina returns to Wyndemere; Anna gains the upper hand.

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13. apríl, 201736m

Andre admits to heartbreak; Brad betrays Finn; Olivia worries about Dante.

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14. apríl, 201736m

Jax tries to make amends; Sonny's sorrow turns to anger; Dante pushes forward with his investigation.

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17. apríl, 201736m

Tracy attempts to upstage Olivia; Sonny confronts Jax; Dante fears the worst.

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18. apríl, 201736m

Tracy disappoints the family; Alexis finds closure; Liz is distraught.

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19. apríl, 201736m

Nelle takes the high road; Hayden isn't sure about the future; Carly vows to punish Nelle.

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20. apríl, 201736m

Finn questions Tracy's motives; Jason has good news for Sonny; Franco worries about Jake.

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21. apríl, 201736m

Liz and Jason show a united front; Sonny causes trouble for Jax; Ava and Scott pay a visit to the PCPD.

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24. apríl, 201736m

Carly makes a life-altering decision; Jason wonders what else he can't remember; Jax makes a compelling argument.

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25. apríl, 201736m

Tracy is on pins and needles; Dante and Lulu celebrate; Hayden receives disappointing news.

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26. apríl, 201736m

Carly surprises Michael; Ava is haunted by her guilty conscience; Lucy is tempted to come clean.

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27. apríl, 201736m

Ava rejoices; Jason wades through memories and guilt; Monica buys time for Ned.

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28. apríl, 201736m

Tracy seeks advice from above; Nathan grows impatient; Sonny turns the tables.

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1. máj, 201736m

Jason gets his hands on a piece of the puzzle; Liz and Franco grow concerned; Tracy knows what she must do.

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2. máj, 201736m

Carly throws herself into her work; Sonny drowns his troubles at the Haunted Star; Ava finds herself at the right place, at the right time.

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3. máj, 201736m

Lucy enlists Dante's help; Sonny entertains an enemy; Carly has a momentary lapse in judgment.

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4. máj, 201736m

Nathan steps up; Carly senses something is amiss; Amy enlists help with the Nurses Ball.

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5. máj, 201736m

Brad plants seeds of doubt; Ava puts two and two together; Sonny has a renewed sense of confidence.

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8. máj, 201736m

Nelle is pleasantly surprised; Franco skips out on his date with Liz; Ava makes her wishes known.

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9. máj, 201736m

Jason comes to a realization; Nathan questions his future; Carly misplaces her trust.

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10. máj, 201736m

Nina challenges Valentin's motives; Franco takes drastic action; Liz confides in Kiki.

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11. máj, 201736m

Sonny gets bad news; Nina looks to drown her sorrows; Curtis makes a discovery.

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12. máj, 201736m

Carly demands an explanation; Jordan looks to Anna for advice; Griffin takes Hayden by surprise.

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15. máj, 201736m

Valentin rises to the challenge; Franco returns; Julian gets a break.

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16. máj, 201736m

Michael makes a startling discovery; Anna gains an ally; Liz is hopeful.

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17. máj, 201736m

Anna turns the tables; Nina confides in Andre; Bobbie wants what's best for Carly.

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18. máj, 201736m

Robin senses something is amiss; Nelle feels alone; Hayden lays a trap.

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19. máj, 201736m

Nathan comes to Anna's rescue; Lucy is won over; Finn slings accusations.

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22. máj, 201736m

Ava has the best of intentions; Anna looks for answers; Nathan shares what he can.

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23. máj, 201736m

Scott begs Ava not to tempt fate; Nathan's evening takes a positive turn; Bobbie tells a white lie.

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24. máj, 201736m

Sonny confides in Dante; Valentin rebuffs Anna; Charlotte is put in harm's way.

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25. máj, 201736m

Andre makes a major discovery; Carly zeroes in on her enemy; Curtis oversteps.

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26. máj, 201736m

Liz hesitates; Jason has a flashback; Ava is her own worst enemy.

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30. máj, 201736m

Jake chooses sides; Anna questions Valentin's motives; Dante arrives in the nick of time.

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31. máj, 201736m

Sonny wonders if he should have done things differently; Nina is shaken; Curtis takes the high road.

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1. jún, 201736m

Kiki doesn't know how to feel; Michael is hopeful; Finn looks to get back on track.

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2. jún, 201736m

Kiki looks for answers; Lulu is duped; Amy wrestles past demons

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5. jún, 201736m

Carly seeks out Jason; Sonny is confident things will work themselves out; Valentin introduces a new game.

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6. jún, 201736m

Laura gets a surprise visit; Julian makes a fateful decision; Jason and Sonny commiserate over a bottle of scotch.

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7. jún, 201736m

Valentin's past catches up with him; Finn has another setback; Curtis gets a surprise visit.

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8. jún, 201736m

Carly enlists the help of an unlikely ally; Anna gets unsettling news; Kiki lashes out at Dillon.

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9. jún, 201736m

Monica prepares Kiki for the worst; Hayden is at a loss; Dante looks for answers.

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12. jún, 201736m

Scotty worries about his fate; Sonny confides in Laura; Jordan asks a favor of TJ.

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14. jún, 201736m

Sam is on the edge; Anna stops by Lulu's; Amy has a favor to ask.

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15. jún, 201736m

Jason gets ahead of an enemy; Liz takes pains to keep Jake safe; Nathan gains a little perspective.

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16. jún, 201736m

Jason learns the truth; Lulu and Dante are in over their heads; Kevin whisks Laura away.

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19. jún, 201736m

Ned and Olivia make a decision; Michael has something important to discuss with Nelle; Griffin pays Sonny a visit.

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20. jún, 201736m

Nina comes to Nelle's rescue; Josslyn rebels; Julian gets an offer.

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21. jún, 201736m

Sam gets news that seems promising; Nelle's luck takes a turn; Nathan draws the line.

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22. jún, 201736m

A friendly game leads to painful memories; Laura clears up any confusion; TJ's secret is revealed.

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23. jún, 201736m

Jason's timing couldn't be better; TJ does damage control; Josslyn gets in over her head.

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26. jún, 201736m

Carly remains skeptical; Josslyn lies to Bobbie; Kiki comforts Ava.

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27. jún, 201736m

Monica keeps vigil; Sonny has a tough road ahead of him; Finn holds his tongue.

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28. jún, 201736m

Josslyn panics; Julian makes his case; Spencer wants what's his.

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29. jún, 201736m

Sonny imparts his wisdom; Ava stonewalls Dante; Nina resorts to blackmail.

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30. jún, 201736m

Nina hesitates; Ned has a serious talk with Dillon; Anna updates Jordan.

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5. júl, 201736m

Sam's health becomes an issue; Sonny shares his plans with Jason; Curtis and Jordan reconcile; Nina gets a call from Valentin; Andre looks to Anna for comfort.

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6. júl, 201736m

A health crisis forces Jordan to make a sacrifice; Sam misleads Jason; Olivia misreads a situation.

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7. júl, 201736m

Carly warns Joss; Monica saves the day; Nina thinks there is more to the story.

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10. júl, 201736m

Carly sees through the lies; Dante dances with Charlotte; Nina has a run-in at Wyndemere.

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11. júl, 201736m

Anna blasts the WSB; Nathan is devastated; Finn keeps to himself.

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12. júl, 201736m

Julian sets Sam off; Bobbie has a better idea; Josslyn continues down the wrong path.

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13. júl, 201736m

Sonny uses Oscar to his advantage; Felicia warns Bobbie; Nathan gets a call from Amy.

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14. júl, 201736m

Laura warns Spencer; Kiki's good intentions backfire; Nathan goes rogue.

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17. júl, 201736m

Jordan gives Anna her blessing; Curtis feels guilty; Griffin has good news.

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18. júl, 201736m

Laura faces difficult truths about Charlotte; Spencer makes matters worse; Curtis learns what it means to make a true sacrifice.

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19. júl, 201736m

Nina has a decision to make; Finn and Hayden look to the future; Alexis is conflicted.

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20. júl, 201736m

Nina's faith is shaken; Joss feels responsible; Lucy tracks Finn down.

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21. júl, 201736m

Sam makes a beeline for Julian; Nathan calls Nina out; Sonny receives an ominous text message.

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24. júl, 201736m

Jason will stop at nothing to learn the truth; Dante gets a break; Nathan's column hits close to home.

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25. júl, 201736m

Sam confronts Sonny; Anna arrives with big news; Nathan gets a welcome surprise.

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26. júl, 201736m

Finn and Griffin make strides; Laura has her hands full; Obrecht seeks revenge.

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27. júl, 201736m

Garvey covers his tracks; Griffin grows concerned about Scout's health; Liz is held captive.

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28. júl, 201736m

Alexis rushes to the hospital; Olivia Jerome's actions continue to haunt Port Charles; Garvey is pleased with himself.

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31. júl, 201736m

Sonny begins to lose hope; Nina is on the defense; Nathan delivers a strong warning.

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1. august, 201736m

Carly lashes out at Jordan; Avery is inconsolable; Ava takes pains to hide her appearance.

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2. august, 201736m

Griffin is cautiously optimistic; Oscar offers his support; Nelle scrutinizes a gift.

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3. august, 201736m

Valentin deals with an intruder; Julian tries to raise Ava's spirits; Carly seeks out Michael.

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4. august, 201736m

Dante helps Carly; Sam struggles with reality; Ava gets a proposal that could change her fate.

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7. august, 201736m

Jason questions Griffin; Kiki steps up; Hayden looks to a kindred spirit for advice.

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8. august, 201736m

Monica gives Finn her blessing; Carly swallows her pride; Olivia runs afoul.

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9. august, 201736m

Kiki makes an impression; Felicia feels like a teenager again; Valerie is happy for Dillon.

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10. august, 201736m

Finn feels deceived; Scott has his doubts; Ava is a mess.

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11. august, 201736m

Finn suspects he isn't getting the whole story; Scotty pushes his luck; Dante looks for a resolution.

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14. august, 201736m

Finn gets horrible news; Dante senses he's been duped; Monica's day goes from bad to worse.

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15. august, 201736m

Dante questions Nelle; Joss has a date with Oscar; Griffin surprises Ava.

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16. august, 201736m

Liz puts her life on hold; Obrecht's curiosity consumes her; Finn appreciates Curtis.

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17. august, 201736m

Obrecht's gloating backfires; Nathan catches Amy up on all things "Man Landers"; Felicia's curiosity is piqued.

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18. august, 201736m

Kiki offers advice; Liz encourages Griffin; Nina has a list of demands.

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22. august, 201736m

Sam makes a decision; Alexis and Carly find common ground; Franco asks Ava for a favor.

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23. august, 201736m

Carly gets shocking news; Liz is intrigued by Franco's painting; Ned puts pressure on Alexis.

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24. august, 201736m

Anna seeks Finn's help; Scott clashes with Julian; Nina is moved by Charlotte's story.

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25. august, 201736m

Griffin jumps to Ava's defense; Ned makes a deal with Michael; the judge reaches a verdict in Julian's trial.

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28. august, 201736m

Valerie helps Kristina with her love life; Alexis confronts Sonny and Carly; and Ava fantasizes about Griffin.

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29. august, 201736m

Sam opens up to Jason; Ned makes a bold move; and Felicia learns a secret about Nelle's past.

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30. august, 201736m

Sam and Sonny try to help Jason; Maxie is confused about Nathan and Amy; and Valentin surprises Nina.

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31. august, 201736m

Ava helps Griffin with a difficult task; Dante questions Sonny; and Nelle falls under suspicion.

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1. september, 201736m

Michael reassures Nelle; Alexis admits her true feelings; and Anna and Finn seek answers from Raymond.

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5. september, 201736m

Finn is met with disappointment; Valentin is in a position to help; Kiki gets an invitation.

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6. september, 201736m

Sam doesn't feel like celebrating; Kristina takes Scout to the park; Dante shares his regrets.

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7. september, 201736m

Ava makes a rash decision; Bobbie's curiosity is piqued; Jordan is amused.

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8. september, 201736m

Scott is of little to no help; Elizabeth counsels Griffin; Amy has bad news for Nathan.

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11. september, 201736m

Lulu has much to celebrate; Carly keeps Vigil; Sonny takes Griffin for a heart to heart.

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12. september, 201736m

Alexis and Sam share a heartfelt moment; Carly decides its time Michael know the truth; Ava gains a supportive new ally.

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13. september, 201736m

Sonny does his best to protect his family; Michael defends Nelle; Anna looks to Finn for help.

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14. september, 201736m

Nina is taken aback by Valentin's honesty; Griffin is forced to confront his feelings; Maxie eyes a second chance at Crimson.

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15. september, 201736m

Franco makes his intentions known; Alexis consoles Monica; Anna uses any means necessary to get what she wants.

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18. september, 201736m

Griffin worries about Ava's well-being; Anna's determination grows; Curtis attempts to explain himself.

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19. september, 201736m

Ava's curiosity intensifies; Sonny is conflicted; Liz is accosted.

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20. september, 201736m

Carly confronts Michael; Nelle receives some unexpected advice; Kristina has second thoughts.

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21. september, 201736m

Ava gets positive news; TJ calls Jordan out; Sonny visits Sam.

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22. september, 201736m

Elizabeth remains committed to Franco; Sam leans on Alexis; Joss is put on the spot.

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25. september, 201736m

Franco is asked to keep a secret; Griffin grows frustrated with Valentin; Nelle finds Michael's gesture unnerving

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26. september, 201736m

Ava is propositioned; Griffin makes his intentions known; Sonny has a task for Brick.

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27. september, 201736m

Carly has mixed feelings; Bobbie extends an olive branch; Anna isn't convinced.

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28. september, 201736m

Nelle is ambushed; Sam checks in with Monica; Liz gets good news.

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29. september, 201736m

Liz has trouble explaining herself; Franco is ready for a fresh start; Sam raises her concerns.

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2. október, 201736m

Griffin extends his kindness; Franco is asked to explain himself; Alexis is annoyed with Sam.

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3. október, 201736m

Nina gets an extravagant gift; Sam enjoys a moment of happiness; Valentin wants to leave his past in the past.

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4. október, 201736m

Ava is in shock; Anna lets her guard down; Valentin gets a curious phone call.

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5. október, 201736m

Griffin skirts the truth; Stella has news for Curtis; Maxie and Amy bond.

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6. október, 201736m

An old foe of Nikolas' surfaces; Griffin feels remorseful; Carly apologizes.

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9. október, 201736m

Sam believes Curtis can do a better job than she can; Michael wonders if he'll regret his decision; Franco comes clean to Liz.

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10. október, 201736m

Liz changes her mind; Dr. Bensch is sympathetic; Maxie's life is derailed.

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11. október, 201736m

Josslyn reflects on Morgan's death; Ava is an unwelcome guest; Kevin makes an impulsive decision.

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12. október, 201736m

Michael is stunned by an anonymous donation; Curtis discovers some interesting information; Dillon gets the wrong idea.

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13. október, 201736m

Sam receives a heartfelt gesture; Michael receives some disturbing news; Anna plots her next move.

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16. október, 201736m

Carly receives disturbing information; Franco is plagued with nightmares; Stella makes strides.

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17. október, 201736m

Alexis worries about Kristina; Scott gets the wrong idea; Franco grows further frustrated.

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18. október, 201736m

Ava agrees to help; Franco makes a plea; Josslyn hits a dead end.

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19. október, 201736m

Patient Six takes in his surroundings; Franco fears he's his own worst enemy; Laura is left in suspense.

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20. október, 201736m

Nathan worries about his marriage; Sam manipulates Maxie; Michael grows paranoid.

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23. október, 201736m

Franco confides in Andre; Jake knows better; Scott riles Kiki up.

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24. október, 201736m

Ava looks for proof; Franco's drawings take an unsettling turn; Nelle goads Carly.

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25. október, 201736m

Monica hands down a family heirloom; Michael confronts Nelle; Maxie has a proposition.

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26. október, 201736m

Sonny trusts his instincts; Andre has cause to worry; Michael changes his mind.

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27. október, 201736m

Sam's celebration is cut short; Carly demands answers; Cassandra outmaneuvers an opponent.

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30. október, 201736m

Jason seeks out Sonny; Franco gets an earful; Griffin and Ava seek refuge.

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31. október, 201736m

Patient 6 longs to be near Sam's side; Dante grows suspicious; Andre is upset.

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1. november, 201736m

Carly gets a surprise; Jason worries about Danny; Dante fills Michael in.

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2. november, 201736m

Patient 6 takes advantage of a bad situation; Finn keeps up the ruse; Cassandra wants to know more about Anna.

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3. november, 201736m

Franco makes a life-altering decision; Sonny hires Diane; Ava has nothing to hide.

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6. november, 201736m

Alexis looks for advice; Jason receives a text from Curtis; Finn is uncomfortable.

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7. november, 201736m

Alexis is stunned; Cassandra gets an idea; Maxie is dismissive.

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8. november, 201736m

Dr. Klein gets a bit of luck; Nelle plays with fire; Nathan eases Amy's fears.

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9. november, 201736m

Cassandra invites Nina to lunch; Ava gets a stroke of luck; Sonny gets a surprise visit.

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10. november, 201736m

Monica makes her intentions clear; Jordan has the answer; Alexis looks to Ava for help.

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13. november, 201736m

Jordan has big news; Lulu pays Maxie a visit; Nelle overhears a private conversation.

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14. november, 201736m

Carly tries to help; Anna learns the truth; Nina is cautious.

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15. november, 201736m

Valentin is put on the spot; Scott defends his actions; Lulu has exciting news.

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16. november, 201736m

Ava confronts Griffith; Nelle takes advantage of a situation; Nathan does his best to help.

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17. november, 201736m

Ava confronts Griffith; Nelle takes advantage of a situation; Nathan does his best to help.

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20. november, 201736m

Nathan is under fire; Felicia shares too much; Cassandra tests the waters.

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21. november, 201736m

Patient 6 faces his past; Carly lays blame; Jason has terrible timing.

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22. november, 201736m

Jason turns to Monica; Carly opens her home; Alexis attempts to make amends.

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27. november, 201736m

Jason’s insecurities get the best of him. Sam isn’t exactly forth coming. Kiki says the wrong thing.

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28. november, 201736m

Oscar sneaks out. Alexis is shocked. Jordan and Curtis team up.

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29. november, 201736m

Valentin is blindsided. Finn informs Anna of his intentions. Nina calls Sam out.

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30. november, 201736m

Sonny confronts Obrecht. Carly puts Jason on the defense. Franco has a change of heart.

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1. december, 201736m

Sonny gets help from an old friend. Jason is in disbelief. Alexis runs into Dr. Bensch.

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4. december, 201736m

Sam fights for her future; Franco wrestles with his conscience; Liz defends her intentions.

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5. december, 201736m

Sam makes her intentions known; Amy is surprised to see Maxie; Lulu hatches a plan.

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6. december, 201736m

Sam pleads with Alexis for help; Carly has a run in with Nelle; Olivia is sidelined.

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7. december, 201736m

Sam seeks help from an unlikely source; Sonny gets a lead on an enemy's whereabouts; Josslyn receives an important package.

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8. december, 201736m

Sonny has questions; Sam's reunion is bittersweet; Franco gets more than he bargained for.

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11. december, 201736m

Sonny places a call to Dante; Sam learns the truth; Oscar gets cold feet.

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12. december, 201736m

Sonny fills Anna in; Cassandra propositions Finn; Charlotte is thrilled to see Nelle.

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13. december, 201736m

Nelle stands up for herself; Jason 6 offers up a bit of advice; Sam confides in Monica.

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14. december, 201736m

Sam runs into Jason at the pier; Oscar is disappointed; Monica rolls out the welcome mat.

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15. december, 201736m

Alexis delivers a painful truth; Finn can't fight the inevitable; Scott is invited to drinks.

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18. december, 201736m

Jason puts it all out there; Carly feels terrible for her friend; Sam lashes out.

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19. december, 201736m

Drew and Jason share a common goal; Drew gets the reassurance he needs; Griffin apologizes.

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20. december, 201736m

Laura asks a favor of Lulu; Alexis infuriates Molly; Nelle gets a break.

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21. december, 201736m

Laura hopes for the best; Jason pays his respect; Franco receives a mysterious note.

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22. december, 201736m

Michael pours his heart out; Carly has a plan; Laura gets a surprise.

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26. december, 201736m

Sonny shares his regrets; Sam seeks Kim's help; Anna urges Finn to learn self-defense.

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27. december, 201736m

Ava worries she overstepped; Maxie corners Amy; Obrecht makes a confession.

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28. december, 201736m

Anna enjoys a minor victory; Carly is up to her old tricks; Lulu is excited about her future.

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29. december, 201736m

Sam runs into Jason; Jason voices his regrets; Drew's car breaks down.

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2. január, 201836m

Anna is in a bind; Nina grows anxious; Sam is interrupted.

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3. január, 201836m

Jordan tracks Anna down; Franco's confusion grows; Michael and Ned meet.

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4. január, 201836m

Anna pays a visit to the ICU; Amy hopes to have good news for Nathan; Lulu's attempts fall flat.

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5. január, 201836m

Nathan jumps to conclusions; Carly is forced to face the music; Nelle is nervous about her first day.

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8. január, 201836m

Anna is shocked; Jordan offers a welcome relief; Nathan confides in Dante; Maxie turns to Lulu; Oscar and Josslyn disagree.

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9. január, 201836m

Sam pulls back; Alexis reacts; Carly pushes back; Molly calls her mom out; Michael accepts Nelle's decision.

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10. január, 201836m

Franco tries to reconcile his past; Laura shares her news with Kevin; Ned is optimistic; Valentin gets a surprise visit; Anna finds evidence to support her theory.

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11. január, 201836m

Sam makes her intentions known; Nathan angers Dante; Maxie has a horrible nightmare; Lulu betrays a confidence; Sonny marks his territory.

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12. január, 201836m

Jason follows through on a promise; Oscar looks to Drew for guidance; Carly agrees to compromise; Spinelli makes progress; Kim makes a friend.

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15. január, 201836m

Jason gets one step closer to the truth; Maxie is desperate; Anna grows more frustrated; Felicia offers some friendly advice; Carly gets a rude awakening.

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16. január, 201836m

Jason grows impatient; Michael seeks out Nelle for answers; Joss gets the support she needs; Drew is forced to deal with an uncomfortable situation; Kiki runs into Griffin.

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17. január, 201836m

Julian offers his support; Sonny receives a mysterious text message; Kiki is a bundle of nerves; Franco looks to repay a favor; Griffin offers words of encouragement.

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18. január, 201836m

Maxie tries not to worry; Franco is caught off guard; Ned tries to convince Alexis to help him; Molly is displaced; Lulu enjoys a happy reunion.

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19. január, 201836m

Jason leans on an unlikely ally; Anna receives a surprise visit; Obrecht grows desperate; Alexis pleads with Laura; Kevin looks for a solution.

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22. január, 201836m

Anna pleads with Sonny; Jordan is concerned; Laura updates Lulu; Bobbie runs into Nelle; Carly decides to take matters into her own hands.

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23. január, 201836m

Lulu is frustrated; Peter is cautious; Obrecht faces her fears; Anna creates a diversion; Dante is relieved.

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24. január, 201836m

Jason makes a declaration; Nathan takes a break; Kim shares good news; Lulu tries to talk her way out of a tricky situation; Felicia accosts Finn.

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25. január, 201836m

Anna gets an unexpected guest; Finn is grateful; Amy makes a grand gesture; Nathan humbles Dante; Franco feels alone.

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26. január, 201836m

Sonny and Jason arrive in the nick of time; Carly appears useful; Finn gets in deeper; Anna shares her news; Lulu gets an idea.

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29. január, 201836m

Anna has questions; Jason is determined; Jordan is deceived; Sonny grows suspicious; Griffin attempts to repay a debt.

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30. január, 201836m

Valentin has a tender moment; Anna makes a surprise move; Jason is interrupted; Drew knows more than he thinks; Sam makes a promise.

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31. január, 201836m

Valentin reminds Nina of her actions; Peter is unable to help; Sam refuses to help; Curtis has plans for Jordan; Stella is compassionate.

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1. február, 201836m

Things don't go according to plan for Jason; Anna gets disappointing news; Sonny gets a disturbing phone call; Monica is put on guard; Kevin interrupts Franco's time with Scott.

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2. február, 201836m

Drew loses his temper; Sonny confides in Jason; Ava puts Kiki in an uncomfortable position; Carly threatens Nelle; Maxie is relieved.

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5. február, 201836m

Sam confesses; Ava can't help herself; Carly warns Jason not to give up; Michael is grateful; Franco confides in Kevin.

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6. február, 201836m

Curtis and Jordan team up; Alexis and Finn bond; Julian is pestered; Anna continues her investigation; Robin reads between the lines.

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7. február, 201836m

Peter bumps into Lulu; Alexis turns to Sam for help; Ned's words are impactful; Julian declines an offer; Jim Harvey continues to make waves.

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8. február, 201836m

Anna is in denial; Drew pushes back; Sam asks for a favor; Carly vents her frustrations; Drew is troubled.

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9. február, 201836m

Valentin stays by Nina's side; Franco has a moment with Obrecht; Peter's curiosity is piqued; Dante offers his support; Lulu is stunned.

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12. február, 201836m

Anna and Felicia commiserate; Drew questions Franco; Finn seeks legal advice; Oscar tries to get one over on Kim; Julian throws a bone.

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13. február, 201836m

Michael takes Jason's words to heart; Ava is concerned; Jake puts Jason on the spot; Franco is put on notice; Drew learns something new.

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14. február, 201836m

Sam lays into Jason; Sonny and Carly reminisce; Ava looks forward to her time with Griffin; Spinelli steps in to help Kiki; Curtis surprises Jordan.

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15. február, 201836m

Nelle thinks quickly on her feet; Michael gets an unsettling phone call; Anna pays a visit to Andre; Alexis is a ball of nerves; Ava lashes out at Griffin.

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16. február, 201836m

Carly encourages Jason to find out everything he can; Drew is put in an uncomfortable situation; Diane relays a particularly audacious announcement; Ava takes care of Kiki; Sonny lays his trust in Griffin.

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19. február, 201836m

Jason is pitted against Drew; Anna pays Maxie a visit; Peter changes his mind; Alexis is caught off guard; Sonny confides in an old friend.

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20. február, 201836m

Molly lashes out; Monica surprises Michael; Olivia stands by her man; Drew looks to Curtis for help; Kim steps in.

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21. február, 201836m

Alexis ends up in a precarious position; Anna makes a promise; Sam looks out for a friend; Peter appeals to Lulu; Kim asks a favor.

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22. február, 201836m

Jason looks to Peter for help; Peter knows more than he lets on; Ava's gallery is threatened; Nelle is ready to take the next step; Alexis meets with Brad.

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23. február, 201836m

Sonny confides in Epiphany; Griffin calls for help; Franco meets with Kevin; Anna is awkward around Finn; Kiki gets the help she needs.

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26. február, 201836m

Sonny feels helpless; tensions run high at the PCPD; Ava gains confidence; Nelle bonds with Joss; Julian suffers a blow.

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27. február, 201836m

Dante worries about Peter's intentions; Franco grows restless; Scott is supportive; Curtis and Drew work together; Anna has news for Felicia.

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28. február, 201836m

Franco struggles against a nightmare; Sonny pleads with Ava; Kiki learns that not everything is as it seems; Drew and Sam celebrate Scout; Kim becomes intrigued with Julian.

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1. marec, 201836m

Griffin is happy for Ava; Scott and Kevin put aside their differences; Franco has an epiphany; Jordan is put in a precarious position; Drew looks to Kim for answers.

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2. marec, 201836m

Franco confronts Harvey; Sam and Drew play chaperone; Jason runs into Sam; Carly confronts Nelle; Peter confides in Valentine; Jordan pays Curtis a visit.

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5. marec, 201836m

Sam looks to Jason for help; Harvey turns his back on Franco; Kiki supports Kevin; Drew gets a clever idea; Jordan reminds Curtis that all not okay.

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6. marec, 201836m

Griffin takes charge; Ava gets time with Avery; Carly has no time for Nelle's antics; Kim worries about Oscar; Dante arrives in time to help.

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7. marec, 201836m

Jason is put in a precarious position; Dante proves an unlikely ally to Franco; Ned takes himself very seriously; Alexis just wants the best for Molly; Finn does all he can.

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8. marec, 201836m

Monica checks on Nelle; Carly thinks it's time for a heart to heart; Sonny makes a bold move; Peter extends his support to Maxie; Anna makes progress.

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9. marec, 201836m

Sam is ready to take the next step; Liz is grateful to Jason; Sonny and Carly come to a decision that affects their family; Maxie is ready to learn the truth; Nina is hopeful.

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12. marec, 201836m

Franco pleads with Drew; Carly encourages Sonny; Peter pays a visit to Griffin; Anna confronts Valentin; Kiki gets a surprise from her mentor.

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13. marec, 201836m

Franco risks losing everything; Nelle shows her maternal side; Michael is propositioned; Finn calls Alexis; Curtis is taken aback.

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14. marec, 201836m

Drew forges an unlikely partnership; Spinelli gets a lead; Nina is put off by Peter's interest in Maxie; Ned gets in over his head; Julian and Kim commiserate.

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15. marec, 201836m

Drew grows frustrated with Franco; Liz and Kim bond; Alexis offers Sam her perspective; Ned loses his temper; Dante and Lulu have much to be grateful for.

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16. marec, 201836m

Griffin questions Peter; Anna vents to Andre; Peter gets good news; Maxie and Nina get good news; Michael confides in Carly.

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19. marec, 201836m

Elizabeth looks for answers; Franco confesses; Jason meets with Anna; Griffin takes a risk; Ned feels compromised.

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20. marec, 201836m

Griffin offers his advice; Sam gets a break; Liz turns to Jordan for help; Curtis surprised; Kiki is grateful.

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21. marec, 201836m

Drew's instincts kick in. Jordan makes a startling discovery. Ava wonders if Nelle is taking things too far. Griffin accepts an offer from Ava. Michael is let down.

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22. marec, 201836m

Franco is uncertain of his future; Nelle grows frustrated; Carly is pleasantly surprised; Alexis rises to Finn's defense; Andre encourages Anna to live her life.

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23. marec, 201836m

Sam wrestles with her feelings; Nelle makes a bold move; Jason meets with Spinelli; Andre gets an earful from Sonny; Julian bumps into Alexis.

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26. marec, 201836m

Drew makes a decision; Alexis warns Sam; Jason supports Carly; Julian finds comfort from a friend; Ned begins to pick up the pieces.

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27. marec, 201836m

Jason says too much; Curtis pays Sam a surprise visit; Jordan and Dante grow anxious; Franco gets the wrong idea; Nina's curiosity is piqued.

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28. marec, 201836m

Sam has a moment with Jason; Drew reaches out to Oscar; Franco wonders where he stands; Carly bonds with Josslyn; Peter wrestles with his guilt.

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29. marec, 201836m

Anna and Jason are at odds; Ava counsels Griffin; Lulu worries about Maxie; Peter makes an impression; Sonny tries his best.

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Season Finale
30. marec, 201836m

Sonny does what he can for Mike; Jason and Elizabeth put their differences aside; Bobbie gives Maxie a pep talk; Ned crosses paths with Alexis; Anna recounts her losses.

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