2021 年 03 月成为本网站会员
An ordinary man frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them.
Based on the true story of a Russian serial killer who, over many years, claimed victim to over 50 people. His victims were mostly under the age of 17. In what was then a communists state, the police investigations were hampered by bureaucracy, incompetence and those in power. The story is told from the viewpoint of the detective in charge of the case.
Novalee Nation is a 17-year-old Tennessee transient who has to grow up in a hurry when she's left pregnant and abandoned by her boyfriend on a roadside, and takes refuge in the friendly aisles of Wal-Mart. Eventually, some eccentric but kindly strangers 'adopt' Novalee and her infant daughter, helping them buck the odds and build a new life.
An irritable marketing executive, Neal Page, is heading home to Chicago for Thanksgiving when a number of delays force him to travel with a well meaning but overbearing shower curtain ring salesman, Del Griffith.
許久沒回老家的書妍(朴信惠 飾),接起了突然響起的老舊電話,電話那頭傳來陌生女子.英淑(全鐘瑞 飾)的聲音。書妍得知英淑是20年前同樣生活在這個家的人後,兩人變成了好友。某天,書妍和英淑在彼此生存的時空中,做了能改變對方人生的瑣碎選擇。英淑必須救回書妍20年前過世的父親;書妍則要告訴英淑她20年後的未來。然而,英淑得知自己的未來十分慘不忍睹後,竟展開意料之外的行動,甚至開始威脅到書妍……
時空連續體出現的錯誤,讓薇拉有機會挽救 25 年前一名男孩的性命,但這竟使她失去了女兒,她將卯盡全力重回女兒身邊。
振碩的兄弟被綁架,回來後幾乎變了個人,還對過去這 19 天毫無記憶。振碩因此追蹤這場綁架背後的真相。
An unemployed Brit vents his rage on unsuspecting strangers as he embarks on a nocturnal London odyssey.
類為解決糧食問題,投入研究人造病毒與細菌企圖改變生態圈,這項計畫最終失敗,地球動植物近乎滅絕。13 歲薇絲朋和她的父親在生態系統崩潰後一起努力生存,她必須運用智慧、力量和生物駭客能力為人類的未來而戰。
Karl Childers, a mentally disabled man, has been in the custody of the state mental hospital since the age of 12 for killing his mother and her lover. Although thoroughly institutionalized, he is deemed fit to be released into the outside world.
酒店房間內,無名女生在痛哭,而電視上播放女演員Nikki的故事,她和男演員Devon參與一部重拍電影,不禁假戲真做,Nikki越來越無法分清何為現實何為做戲,現實也似乎向著劇情發展。 上映至今評價兩極,恨者不滿故事故弄玄虛,走火入魔,愛者認為是連治電影之大成,是他電影藝術上真正高峰,但無一不說這是連治最自主自由的創作,連治身兼導演編劇攝影配樂,數碼攝影機的畫面所帶來的特殊感,將影像推入更暈眩奇幻的境界,開啟全新電影製作模式,反荷里活電影產業之餘,在看似碎片化又多線情節,每一個段落都值得反覆玩味,由如剝洋蔥般將女性心理狀況表露無遺,這三小時,究竟是關於神秘電影計劃?女演員的事業起伏?還是走入女性內心?
A hidden memory sends David across the far reaches of time and space to solve a deadly mystery involving his time-traveling future selves.
Emily Prime is swept into the brain of an incomplete backup clone of her future self.
A little girl is taken on a mind-bending tour of her distant future.
In 2015, Christopher Nolan curated a selection of short films by the surrealist animators the Quay Brothers to be distributed as a touring 35mm presentation. The three films—"In Absentia" (2000), "The Comb" (1991) and "Street of Crocodiles" (1986)—were accompanied by this brief portrait of the brothers at work in their London studio.
根據一個鼓舞人心的真實故事改編,Shia LaBeouf 飾演業餘高爾夫球手烏伊梅。除了天賦什麼也沒有的工薪階層青年有一個看似不可能實現的夢想:與世界上最偉大的球員、他的偶像哈里瓦登來一場比賽。很快,在他 10 歲的球童艾迪的幫助下,烏伊梅勇敢地打破了所有障礙,展現出無與倫比的動力、技巧和熱情,並向職業高爾夫球手發起挑戰,爭奪美國公開賽冠軍。 影片包含煙草相關內容。
一戰打得如火如荼之際,英軍正跌入德軍設下的陷阱……為了扭轉戰局,兩名英國小兵史高菲(佐治麥基 飾)及布雷克(甸查理斯查普曼 飾)臨危受命,必須在一天內越過敵陣,向前線的同袍傳令煞停進攻。若任務失敗,英軍將墮入敵軍佈下的天羅地網,1,600人將因此陣亡,包括布雷克的哥哥。為了拯救戰友,二人可以孤軍突破炮火,爭分奪秒完成這個九死一生的任務嗎?
大酒店「皇牌服務生」Gustave屬完美主義,向來吹毛求疵,對於服務態度有自我一套嚴格原則,新仔「Bell Boy」跟他做學徒,二人亦師亦友共同進退。外面世界固然立立亂,但精緻的酒店裡面也不遑多讓,每日貴客來來往往煩事多,然而當一名老寡婦房客Madame D離奇被殺後,酒店頓時成了警察緝兇、親生仔爭家產的是非之地。一切一切均衝著Gustave而來,Madame D留下的名畫又不翼而飛,大酒店多事之秋怎樣收科?
In 1870s India, Charulata is an isolated, artistically inclined woman who sees little of her busy journalist husband, Bhupati. Realizing that his wife is alienated and unhappy, he convinces his cousin, Amal, to spend time with Charulata and nourish her creative impulses. Amal is a fledgling poet himself, and he and Charulata bond over their shared love of art.
Two Greek children embark on a journey to search for their father, who supposedly lives in Germany.
1930年代日本殖民統治下的朝鮮,繼承龐大遺產的千金小姐秀子 與監護人姨丈 在偌大的豪宅中生活。一名陰險狡詐的騙子 覬覦小姐財富,假扮成貴族伯爵,想藉婚姻奪取其家產。為了進行計畫,冒牌伯爵找來少女扒手 混入豪宅做「下女」,貼身服侍小姐,以說服她答應這樁婚事。不料這一場貪財騙局,在慾望、陰謀和情慾交織下,誘發始料未及的局面...
A renowned New York playwright is enticed to California to write for the movies and discovers the hellish truth of Hollywood.
A commanding officer defends three scapegoats on trial for a failed offensive that occurred within the French Army in 1916.
A selfless young woman, the daughter of a middle-class refugee family from East Pakistan, sacrifices her own happiness for her unappreciative family.
A young man finds out that he holds the key to restoring hope and ensuring survival for the human race, while an alien species called the Drej are bent on mankind's destruction.
Two friends' tour of Europe takes a dark turn when one of them contracts a mysterious illness. They race to find out what it is and how to cure it before the sickness consumes him completely.
盟軍登陸諾曼第前夕,一隊美國傘兵奉命潛入被納粹佔領的法國小鎮執行任務,拼死輔助盟軍反擊。然而,當他們經歷槍林彈雨,抵達目的地時,發現小鎮並非一個普通軍事據點,鎮內竟藏著納粹最瘋狂、最可怕的軍事機密! 他們的任務,亦不是一次單純的戰略行動;而是在機密曝光之前,把它徹底摧毀,永遠隱沒在歷史洪流之中。
A crew from a paranormal reality television show lock themselves in a haunted psychiatric hospital. They search for evidence of paranormal activity as they shoot what ends up becoming their final episode.
After picking up a traumatized young hitchhiker, five friends find themselves stalked and hunted by a chainsaw-wielding killer and his family of equally psychopathic killers.
Arkin escapes with his life from the vicious grips of "The Collector" during an entrapment party where he adds beautiful Elena to his "Collection." Instead of recovering from the trauma, Arkin is suddenly abducted from the hospital by mercenaries hired by Elena's wealthy father. Arkin is blackmailed to team up with the mercenaries and track down The Collector's booby trapped warehouse and save Elena.
It's the 1970s and San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy is the top dog in local TV, but that's all about to change when ambitious reporter Veronica Corningstone arrives as a new employee at his station.
金馬倫(Joseph Gordon-Levitt 飾)來到新學校的第一天,就對夢中的美麗女孩比安卡(Larisa Oleynik 飾)一見傾心。唯一的問題是比安卡被禁止約會……除非她那脾氣暴躁,完全不適合約會的姐姐阿姬(Julia Stiles 飾)也一起去。為了解決這個問題,金馬倫為阿姬挑選了唯一適合的對象:惡名在外又充滿神秘色彩的壞男孩(Heath Ledger 飾)!
描述來自科羅拉多的年輕非裔警探史塔爾沃斯(Ron Stallworth),成功臥底潛入白人至上主義的3k黨,進入成為領導之一。 影片改編自七〇年代的真實事件,丹佐華盛頓的兒子約翰大衛華盛頓飾演一名黑人警探,為了阻止黑人平權運動可能引發的暴力事件,他與搭檔亞當崔佛以臥底身分加入3K黨,展開一連串驚險的調查行動。 劇情講述1970年代,黑人警探史塔爾沃斯為了阻止3K黨煽動仇恨犯罪,與猶太裔搭檔齊爾曼臥底成為黨徒,並由史塔爾沃斯假裝白人,與3K黨幹部透過電話聯繫,再由齊爾曼親自現身,滲透黨徒集會,展開一連串驚險又荒謬的調查行動。
When a beautiful young Grace arrives in the isolated township of Dogville, the small community agrees to hide her from a gang of ruthless gangsters, and, in return, Grace agrees to do odd jobs for the townspeople.
Waking Life is about a young man in a persistent lucid dream-like state. The film follows its protagonist as he initially observes and later participates in philosophical discussions that weave together issues like reality, free will, our relationships with others, and the meaning of life.
The epic story of the first contact, encounter, approach, betrayal and, eventually, life-transcending friendship, between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman, last survivor of his people, and two scientists that, over the course of 40 years, travel through the Amazon in search of a sacred plant that can heal them. Inspired by the journals of the first explorers of the Colombian Amazon, Theodor Koch-Grunberg and Richard Evans Schultes.
An intimate portrayal of the everyday lives of Carthusian monks of the Grande Chartreuse, high in the French Alps (Chartreuse Mountains). The idea for the film was proposed to the monks in 1984, but the Carthusians said they wanted time to think about it. The Carthusians finally contacted Gröning 16 years later to say they were now willing to permit Gröning to shoot the movie, if he was still interested.
A paralysingly beautiful documentary with a global vision—an odyssey through landscape and time—that attempts to capture the essence of life.
Anthropology professor Michal develops two overwhelming obsessions. The first one is a mummified, 3,000 year-old, perfectly preserved body of a shaman he and his colleagues have recently dragged out of a swamp. The second is an enigmatic student he meets by chance at a railway station.
The Alchemist assembles together a group of people from all walks of life to represent the planets in the solar system. The occult adept's intention is to put his recruits through strange mystical rites and divest them of their worldly baggage before embarking on a trip to Lotus Island. There they ascend the Holy Mountain to displace the immortal gods who secretly rule the universe.
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having on humans and the earth. The visual tone poem contains neither dialogue nor a vocalized narration: its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and the exceptional music by Philip Glass.
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